Wireless encode and sync script intended for android music collections. Warning: This will delete all music on your phone that isn't also on your computer.
- Download an FTP server android app
- For me, "FTP Server" by "Rapfox" worked well
- Make sure you set /sdcard or /mnt/sdcard as the root folder
- Change settings at the top of Manage.sh (see "Settings" below)
- Run ./Manage.sh
- You may need to set the executable permission on the scripts
- Use a cron job if you want to the the script more than once
- Refresh your phone's music library (PowerAMP can do this)
- lftp
- libmp3lame0
- notify-osd (optional, used to notify user at key points)
- gnu parallels (optional, used to speed up encoding - 2 cores: double speed, 4 cores: quad speed, etc..)
- Check to see if the user deleted any files from their collection
- Loop through each file in the user's music collection
- Make sure it is a music file
- Decide what to do with the file
- If it is a lossless file, encode it to the set bitrate and copy to the encode directory
- If it is an mp3 file above the set bitrate, encode it to a lower bitrate and copy to the encode directory
- If it is an mp3 file equal to or below the set bitrate, create a symbolic link to it in the encode directory
- Connect to the phone using FTP
- Synchronize the phone to the encode directory
- Synchronization is one way only, the music files on your computer will never be affected
- The script is currently set to accept mp3, flac, and wav files, but you may be able to add more by modifying Encode.sh
- No checks are made to make sure the phone's storage capacity is not exceeded
- If you find any problems, email [email protected]
- Make sure your playlists have relative (not absolute) links
##Settings You can change the scripts settings by either changing the Manage.sh file, or passing options when executing it. Options: