Hello world, I'm Christos Sardianos, currently a PostDoc and Research Associate at the Dept. of Informatics & Telematics @ Harokopio University of Athens in the field of “Recommender Systems in Dynamic Environments: Integrating Modern Neural Networks Architectures for Multi-Criteria and Context-Aware Recommendations”.
In 2023, I received my PhD in the area of “Recommender Systems with Real-life Applications”, and my main research interests are centered around Data Mining, Recommender Systems, Machine/Deep Learning, AI and knowledge extraction in general. In addition, I am also a certification addict and passionate about teaching, coding, developing my existing skills, and expanding my knowledge on the field.
class SrDNS():
def __init__(self):
self.name = "Christos"
self.username = "Sardianos"
self.degrees = ["PhD", "MSc", "BSc"]
self.occupation = ["Research Associate", "Data Science"]
self.location = "Athens, Greece"
self.website = "https://sardianos.dit.people.hua.gr/"
self.language_spoken = ["el_GR", "en_US"]
self.Research_interests = ["Machine Learning", "Data Mining", "AI", "Recommender Systems"]
self.skillset = {
"code": ["Python", "Java", "Javascript", "Typescript", "PHP", "HTML", "CSS", "Markdown", "LaTex"],
"databases": ["Oracle", "MySQL", "MongoDB", "PostgreSQL"],
"machineLearning": ["Scikit-learn", "TensorFlow", "Keras", "Weka"],
"frameworks": ["Flask", "Node", "ExpressJS", "CodeIgniter", "Angular", "React"],
"devOps": ["GitHub actions", "Linux", "Docker", "Nginx"]
self.tools = {
"Editors": ["VSCode", "SublimeText", "Neovim", "SourceTree"],
"Platforms": ["MacOS", "GNU/Linux", "Windows"],
"OtherTools": ["Git", "Photoshop"]
selft.teaching = {
"bsc": ["Databases"],
"msc": ["Data Management I"]
self.memberships = ["Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers"]
self.specializations = {
"cisco": ["CCNA", "CCNP"],
"microsoft": ["MCT", "MTA", "MMI", "MCAS"],
"Coursera": ["Data Mining, University of Illinois"]
def __str__(self):
return f'{self.name} | {self.username}'
def say_hi(self):
print("Thanks for dropping by!")
if __name__ == '__main__':
me = SrDNS()