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Your goal in this part is to implement a k-nearest neighbors classifier from scratch. Your GitHub repository contains the skeleton code for two files that will be used to implement the algorithm: and
KNearestNeighbors object, the following parameters must be specified (or their default values will be used):
n_neighbors: the number of neighbors a sample is compared with when predicting target class values (analogous to the value k in k-nearest neighbors).
weights: represents the weight function used when predicting target class values (can be either ‘uniform’ or ‘distance’). Setting the parameter to ‘distance’ assigns weights proportional to the inverse of the distance from the test sample to each neighbor.
metric: represents which distance metric is used to calculate distances between samples. There are two options: ‘l1’ or ‘l2’, which refer to the Manhattan distance and Euclidean distance respectively.
python3 knn
- Train the k-NN method - No parameters to estimate int his model. Save the training data for making predictions. KNN uses the entire dataset as memory.
Select k and weighting method
Calculate the eucliden or manhattan distance
Sort all the data points with the key being the distance of each data point from the new dat apoint
select k data points with smallest distances
Your goal in this part is to implement a feedforward fully-connected multilayer perceptron classifier with one hidden layer (as shown in the description above) from scratch. As before, your GitHub repository contains the skeleton code for two files that will be used to implement the algorithm: and
The file defines the MultilayerPerceptron class that we will use to implement the algorithm from scratch. Just like the previous part, the init function has already been properly implemented for you. The attributes for the class itself are described in detail in the skeleton code. When creating the MultilayerPerceptron object, the following parameters must be specified (or their default values will be used): • n_hidden: the number of neurons in the one hidden layer of the neural network. • hidden_activation: represents the activation function of the hidden layer (can be either ‘identity’, ‘sigmoid’, ‘tanh’, or ‘relu’). • n_iterations: represents the number of gradient descent iterations performed by the fit(X, y) method. • learning_rate: represents the learning rate used when updating neural network weights during gra- dient descent.
python3 mlp
- Forward pass - iteratively compute weights
- Backward pass - nudge them using the error difference and gradient
- Computed a forward pass using the updated weights in the neurons
- Compute the most probable class by obtaining the max of the probabilites