New features
Added a metric to monitor the tablet status of Primary Key tables:
- Added the FE metric err_state_metric.
- Added the ErrorStateTabletNum column to the output of SHOW PROC '/statistic/' to display the number of err_state tablets.
- Added the ErrorStateTablets column to the output of SHOW PROC '/statistic/<db_id>/' to display the IDs of err_state tablets.
For more information, see SHOW PROC.
- Optimized the disk balancing speed when multiple BEs are added. # 19418
- Optimized the inference of storage_medium. When BEs use both SSD and HDD as storage devices, if the property storage_cooldown_time is specified, StarRocks sets storage_medium to SSD. Otherwise, StarRocks sets storage_medium to HDD. #18649
- Optimized the performance of Unique Key tables by forbidding the collection of statistics from value columns. #19563
Bug Fixes
- For Colocation tables, the replica status can be manually specified as bad by using statements like ADMIN SET REPLICA STATUS PROPERTIES ("tablet_id" = "10003", "backend_id" = "10001", "status" = "bad");. If the number of BEs is less than or equal to the number of replicas, the corrupted replica cannot be repaired. # 17876
- After a BE is started, its process exists but the BE port cannot be enabled. # 19347
- Wrong results are returned for aggregate queries whose subquery is nested with a window function. # 19725
- auto_refresh_partitions_limit does not take effect when the materialized view (MV) is refreshed for the first time. As a result, all the partitions are refreshed. # 19759
- An error occurs when querying a CSV Hive external table whose array data is nested with complex data such as MAP and STRUCT. # 20233
- Queries that use Spark connector time out. # 20264
- If one replica of a two-replica table is corrupted, the table cannot recover. # 20681
- Query failure caused by MV query rewrite failure. # 19549
- The metric interface expires due to database lock. # 20790
- Wrong results are returned for Broadcast Join. # 20952
- NPE is returned when an unsupported data type is used in CREATE TABLE. # 20999
- The issue caused by using window_funnel() with the Query Cache feature. # 21474
- Optimization plan selection takes an unexpectedly long time after the CTE is rewritten. # 16515