######How to get started with this project
- Install Nodejs if not already installed: http://nodejs.org/
- Run the command "npm install"
- After the node_modules install, type "gulp prod" this will generate a 'dist' folder and copy needed files, then it will open your default browser to the portfolio page.
##File Structure
Contains development files for the application.
This dist folder is created after the 'gulp prod' task is run. This folder will contain the production ready minified CSS, JavaScript and HTML
##The Portfolio page.
The following improvements were made:
######CSS In order to optimize the critical rendering path all of the CSS needed for the page was moved to be in-lined. The media tag print was utilized for the print CSS, this will allow the browser to ignore this resource when rendering for desktop or mobile.
######JavaScript. The JavaScript was also moved from a external resource to in-lined. It was also added to the botton of the page and the async tag was used for loading the google analytic library so the call would not be content blocking.
######Images. The images where compressed using the online resource compress jpeg.
######Result I used ngork to test the changes I made on PageSpeed Insights. The end result is 96/100 for Mobile and 97/100 for Desktop.
##The Pizza Shop page.
The following improvements were made:
######Gulp task runner I put together a gulp task runner to minify the HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I also leveraged NodeJs to conditionally add either the development or minified version of the JavaScript in order to test locally with the un-minified version of the JavaScript.
######JavaScript Discovered there wasn't really a reason to generate 200 pizza elements on the DOMContentLoaded event listener, so I updated that number down to 35, which still renders enough to fill the screen.
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
var cols = 8, s = 256;
for (var i = 0; i < 35; i++) {
var elem = document.createElement('img');
elem.className = 'mover';
elem.src = "img/pizza.png";
elem.style.height = "100px";
elem.style.width = "73.333px";
elem.style.left = (i % cols) * s + 'px';
elem.style.top = (Math.floor(i / cols) * s) + 'px';
Since the '.mover' elements are needed in multiple elements, I moved the element parsing to be a global varible.
items = document.querySelectorAll('.mover');
Debouncing the scroll event. This decouples the animation from the input that affects it. The main issue here is that we are triggering a reflow and repaint whenever we a scroll event. What we needed to do was decouple the scroll event from the updatePosition function, this is where requestAnimationFrame steps in to help
var locked;
window.addEventListener('scroll', runOnScroll);
function runOnScroll() {
if (!locked) {
locked = true;
From researching parallax performance I came across https://medium.com/@dhg/parallax-done-right-82ced812e61c#.5fndudbac and made the recommended updates Updated to translate3d because its a property that is cheap for the browser to animate.
function updatePositions() {
var topOfPage = (document.body.scrollTop / 1250);
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
var phase = Math.sin(topOfPage + (i % 5));
items[i].style.transform = 'translate3d(' + (100 * phase) + 'px, 0, 0)'; //items[i].style.left + 100 * phase + 'px';
locked = false;
From researching nested functions, I cam across http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/stop-nesting-functions-but-not-all-of-them--net-22315 I then separated functions out to individual functions. Also from using the F12 developer tools I noticed the DOM querySelectorAll was spiking the memory usage and moving these actions outside of the for loop made a noticeable difference.
function changePizzaSizes(size) {
var numberOfPizzas, dx, newwidth;
numberOfPizzas = document.querySelectorAll('.randomPizzaContainer').length;
dx = determineDx(document.querySelectorAll(".randomPizzaContainer")[0], size);
newwidth = (document.querySelectorAll(".randomPizzaContainer")[0].offsetWidth + dx) + 'px';
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfPizzas; i++) {
document.querySelectorAll(".randomPizzaContainer")[i].style.width = newwidth;