The as of yet undefined and unbranded South Florida JavaScript meetup.
We are also known as NodeJS Enthusiasts SE Florida on Meetup, but we are going through a bit of a transitional phase right now. We want our meetups to explore all of JavaScript, not just Node.js. We feel that our soon-to-be-former name doesn't reflect that desire adequately, so we are transforming our brand into one that does.
There are a lot of awesome people doing all kinds of JavaScript in South Florida and we want to help bring that community together. We use this repository to plan everything about the meetup in the open in the hope that the community will see what we are doing and participate. We invite anybody to open issues for:
- Meetup ideas
- Topics that you would like to learn about
- Speakers you would like to hear
- Cities you want a meetup in
- Food that you would like to eat or drink
Basically anything you can think of. Don't hold back, Florida JavaScript community!