This exporter will become super powerful package that exports design system data into production-ready code. When you are ready to publish it, don't forget to write a nice Readme!
Here are the key features of this exporter:
- Support for X: Generates X from your design system
- Support for Y: It also supports Y!
Given any design system, the exporter will produce CSS color definitions in the following format:
/* This file was automatically generated. Do not modify manually. */
:root {
/* The reddest of reds */
--color-red: #ff0000;
--color-blue: #0000ff;
/* The main color used throughout the application. */
--color-primary: var(--color-red);
Here is a list of all the configuration options this exporter provides:
- generateDisclaimer: Toggle to show a disclaimer indicating the file is auto-generated.