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GeoffreyLong edited this page Jun 27, 2014 · 3 revisions

Creating an object

Creating an object is as simple as instantiating the object, then calling save():

country = Country({"name": "Canada"})
print country._id

For performance reasons, you can also do a bulk create:

country_names = ["Sweden", "France", "United Kingdom", "Russia"]

countries = [Country({"name": name}) for name in country_names]


Reading an object

There are several ways to find objects in the database:

# Find many objects (can use skip, limit, sort)
countries = Country.find({}, limit=5, skip=2, sort="name"})

# Can sort descending:
countries = Country.find({}, limit=5, skip=2, sort=[("name", warmongo.DESCENDING)])

# Can find just one object:
country = Country.find_one({"name": "Korea"})

# Can find by an ID:
country = Country.find_by_id("mongo ID")

# Can create it if it doesn't exist (note this is not atomic):
country = Country.find_or_create({"name": "Spain"})

# Can find the latest document that matches a query:
country = Country.find_latest({"population": {"$gt": 500}})

See Querying for more details on how to find things.

Updating an object

Works using save(), just like creating:

country = Country.find_one({"name": "France"})
country.abbreviation = "fr"

Warmongo does not currently support batch updates, however you can do it through the underlying pymongo collection object:


Note that using pymongo will skip validation.

Deleting an object

Use the delete method:

c = Country.find_one({"name": "Czechoslovakia"})

Warmongo does not support bulk deletes at the moment, however it can be done using the underlying pymongo collection:

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