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Folders and files

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Latest commit

0ef83bf · Aug 6, 2024


2 Commits
Aug 6, 2024
Aug 6, 2024
Aug 6, 2024
Aug 6, 2024
Aug 6, 2024
Aug 6, 2024
Aug 6, 2024
Aug 6, 2024
Aug 6, 2024
Aug 6, 2024
Aug 6, 2024
Aug 6, 2024
Aug 6, 2024
Aug 6, 2024
Aug 6, 2024
Aug 6, 2024

Repository files navigation


No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator

Installation & Usage


PHP 8.1 and later.


To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json:

  "repositories": [
      "type": "vcs",
      "url": ""

Then run composer require synergitech/iplicit-php

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

$config = SynergiTech\Iplicit\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()

$apiInstance = new SynergiTech\Iplicit\Api\AttachmentApi(
    config: $config
$attributeRef = 'attributeRef_example'; // string | Id or name of the attribute
$sourceId = 'sourceId_example'; // string | id of the source item to attach to
$attachmentGroupId = 'attachmentGroupId_example'; // string | Id of the attachment group. Use special value 'other' to get attachments without a group.
$file = "/path/to/file.txt"; // \SplFileObject | Attachment file information
$description = 'description_example'; // string | Attachment description
$documentDate = new \DateTime("2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00"); // \DateTime | Attachment document date

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->createAttachment($attributeRef, $sourceId, $attachmentGroupId, $file, $description, $documentDate);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling AttachmentApi->createAttachment: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

API Endpoints

Class Method HTTP request Description
AttachmentApi createAttachment POST /api/Attachment/create/{attributeRef}/{sourceId}/AttachmentGroup/{attachmentGroupId} Create a new attachment on a specified source item
AttachmentApi deleteAttachment DELETE /api/Attachment/{attachmentId} Delete an attachment
AttachmentApi getAttachmentDetails GET /api/Attachment/{attachmentId}/Details Get attachment details
AttachmentApi getAttachmentFile GET /api/Attachment/{attachmentId}/File Get attachment file
AttachmentApi getAttachmentGroups GET /api/Attribute/{attributeRef}/AttachmentGroup Get a list of attachment groups defined on a specified attribute.
AttachmentApi getAttachmentsInGroup GET /api/Attachment/search/{attributeRef}/{sourceId}/AttachmentGroup/{attachmentGroupId} Get a list of attachments in an attachment group on a specified source item with a search filter.
AttachmentApi updateAttachmentDetails PATCH /api/Attachment/{attachmentId} Update attachment details
BankTransactionApi createBankTransaction POST /api/BankTransaction Create a bank transaction
BankTransactionApi deleteBankTransaction DELETE /api/BankTransaction/{bankTransactionId} Delete a bank transaction
BankTransactionApi getBankTransaction GET /api/BankTransaction/{bankTransactionId} Get a bank transaction
BankTransactionApi lockBankTransaction POST /api/BankTransaction/{bankTransactionId}/lock Lock a bank transaction
BankTransactionApi unlockBankTransaction POST /api/BankTransaction/{bankTransactionId}/unlock Unlock a bank transaction
BankTransactionApi updateBankTransaction PATCH /api/BankTransaction/{bankTransactionId} Update a bank transaction
BatchPaymentApi abandonBatchPayment POST /api/BatchPayment/{idOrBatchNo}/abandon Abandon a batch payment
BatchPaymentApi addBatchPaymentAllocations POST /api/BatchPayment/{idOrBatchNo}/allocations Add allocations to the batch payment
BatchPaymentApi amendBatchPayment POST /api/BatchPayment/{idOrBatchNo}/amend Set an approved batch payment back to draft for amending
BatchPaymentApi createBatchPayment POST /api/BatchPayment Create a batch payment
BatchPaymentApi deleteBatchPaymentAllocation DELETE /api/BatchPayment/{idOrBatchNo}/allocations/{allocationId} Delete an allocation in the batch payment
BatchPaymentApi getBatchPayment GET /api/BatchPayment/{idOrBatchNo} Get a batch payment by id or by batch number.
BatchPaymentApi getBatchPayments GET /api/BatchPayment Get batch payments with a search filter
BatchPaymentApi postBatchPayment POST /api/BatchPayment/{idOrBatchNo}/post Post a batch payment
BatchPaymentApi processBatchPayment POST /api/BatchPayment/{idOrBatchNo}/process Process a batch payment
BatchPaymentApi replaceBatchPaymentAllocations PUT /api/BatchPayment/{idOrBatchNo}/allocations Replaces all allocations in the batch payment
BatchPaymentApi submitBatchPayment POST /api/BatchPayment/{idOrBatchNo}/submit Submit a batch payment
BatchPaymentApi unpostBatchPayment POST /api/BatchPayment/{idOrBatchNo}/unpost Unpost a batch payment
BatchPaymentApi updateBatchPayment PATCH /api/BatchPayment/{batchPaymentId} Update a batch payment
CatalogApi addCatalogItem PUT /api/Catalog/{catalogName} Add an item to a catalog
CatalogApi deleteCatalogItem DELETE /api/Catalog/{catalogName}/{idOrCode} Delete an item in a catalog
CatalogApi getAllCatalogs GET /api/Catalog Get a list of all catalogs
CatalogApi getCatalog GET /api/Catalog/{catalogName} Get all items in a catalog
CatalogApi lockCatalogItem POST /api/Catalog/{catalogName}/{idOrCode}/lock Lock a catalog item
CatalogApi replaceCatalogItems POST /api/Catalog/{catalogName} Replace all items in a catalog
CatalogApi unlockCatalogItem POST /api/Catalog/{catalogName}/{idOrCode}/unlock Unlock a catalog item
CatalogApi updateCatalogItem PATCH /api/Catalog/{catalogName}/{idOrCode} Update an item in a catalog
ContactApi createContact POST /api/Contact Create a contact
ContactApi deleteContact DELETE /api/Contact/{idOrIntRef} Delete a contact
ContactApi getContact GET /api/Contact/{idOrIntRef} Get a contact
ContactApi lockContact POST /api/Contact/{idOrIntRef}/lock Lock the contact
ContactApi unlockContact POST /api/Contact/{idOrIntRef}/unlock Unlock the contact
ContactApi updateContact PATCH /api/Contact/{idOrIntRef} Update a contact
ContactAccountApi addContactAccountContact POST /api/ContactAccount/{contactAccountRef}/contacts Add related contacts
ContactAccountApi addContactToContactAccount POST /api/ContactAccount/{ca}/contactLinks/{cb} Add an existing contact to a contact account.
ContactAccountApi createContactAccount POST /api/ContactAccount Create a contact account
ContactAccountApi deleteContactAccount DELETE /api/ContactAccount/{contactAccountRef}/contacts/{contactRef} Delete a related contact
ContactAccountApi deleteContactFromContactAccount DELETE /api/ContactAccount/{ca}/contactLinks/{cb} Remove an existing contact from a contact account.
ContactAccountApi getContactAccount GET /api/ContactAccount/{contactAccountRef} Get a contact account
ContactAccountApi getContactAccountBankAccounts GET /api/ContactAccount/{contactAccountRef}/bankDetails Get all the bank details
ContactAccountApi getContactAccountCustomerDetails GET /api/ContactAccount/{contactAccountRef}/customer Get the customer details of the contact account
ContactAccountApi getContactAccountDefaultBankAccount GET /api/ContactAccount/{contactAccountRef}/defaultBankDetails Get the default bank details
ContactAccountApi getContactAccountMainContact GET /api/ContactAccount/{contactAccountRef}/contact Get the main contact details of the contact account
ContactAccountApi getContactAccountRelatedContact GET /api/ContactAccount/{contactAccountRef}/contacts/{contactRef} Get an existing related contact
ContactAccountApi getContactAccountRelatedContacts GET /api/ContactAccount/{contactAccountRef}/contacts Get the related contacts
ContactAccountApi getContactAccountResource GET /api/ContactAccount/{contactAccountRef}/resource Get the resource details of the contact account
ContactAccountApi getContactAccountSupplierDefaults GET /api/ContactAccount/{contactAccountRef}/supplier Get the supplier details of the contact account
ContactAccountApi getContactAccounts GET /api/ContactAccount Gets a list of contact accounts with a search filter
ContactAccountApi lockContactAccount POST /api/ContactAccount/{contactAccountRef}/lock
ContactAccountApi lockContactAccountResource POST /api/ContactAccount/{contactAccountRef}/resource/lock Lock the contact account resource
ContactAccountApi lockCustomer POST /api/ContactAccount/{contactAccountRef}/customer/lock Lock the customer
ContactAccountApi lockSupplier POST /api/ContactAccount/{contactAccountRef}/supplier/lock Lock the supplier
ContactAccountApi unlockContactAccount POST /api/ContactAccount/{contactAccountRef}/unlock Unlock the contact account
ContactAccountApi unlockContactAccountResource POST /api/ContactAccount/{contactAccountRef}/resource/unlock Unlock the contact account resource
ContactAccountApi unlockCustomer POST /api/ContactAccount/{contactAccountRef}/customer/unlock Unlock the customer
ContactAccountApi unlockSupplier POST /api/ContactAccount/{contactAccountRef}/supplier/unlock Unlock the supplier
ContactAccountApi updateContactAccount PATCH /api/ContactAccount/{contactAccountRef} Update a contact account
ContactAccountApi updateContactAccountBankDetails PATCH /api/ContactAccount/{contactAccountRef}/bankDetails/default Replace bank details
ContactAccountApi updateContactAccountContact PATCH /api/ContactAccount/{contactAccountRef}/contacts/{contactRef} Update an existing related contact
ContactAccountApi updateContactAccountMainContact PATCH /api/ContactAccount/{contactAccountRef}/contact Update the main contact details
ContactAccountApi updateContactAccountRelatedContacts PATCH /api/ContactAccount/{contactAccountRef}/contacts Update existing contacts. Existing contacts are matched to request contacts by ID, IntRef or Description and updated. Existing contacts that do not match any request contact are left unchanged. Request contacts that do not match any existing contact are added.
ContactGroupApi getContactGroup GET /api/ContactGroup/{contactGroupRef} Get a contact group
CostCentreApi createCostCentre POST /api/CostCentre Create a cost centre
CostCentreApi getCostCentre GET /api/CostCentre/{costCentreRef} Get a cost centre
CostCentreApi getCostCentres GET /api/CostCentre Get a list of cost centres with a search filter
CostCentreApi lockCostCentre POST /api/CostCentre/{costCentreRef}/lock Lock the cost centre
CostCentreApi unlockCostCentre POST /api/CostCentre/{costCentreRef}/unlock Unlock the cost centre
CostCentreApi updateCostCentre PATCH /api/CostCentre/{costCentreRef} Update a cost centre
DepartmentApi createDepartment POST /api/Department Create a department
DepartmentApi getDepartment GET /api/Department/{departmentRef} Get a department
DepartmentApi getDepartments GET /api/Department Get a list of departments with a search filter
DepartmentApi lockDepartment POST /api/Department/{departmentRef}/lock Lock a department
DepartmentApi unlockDepartment POST /api/Department/{departmentRef}/unlock Unlock a department
DepartmentApi upateDepartment PATCH /api/Department/{departmentRef} Update a department
DocumentApi abandonDocument POST /api/Document/{idOrDocNo}/abandon Abandon a draft document.
DocumentApi addAllocationToDocument POST /api/Document/{docIdOrCode}/allocation Add an allocation to the document
DocumentApi addDocumentDetailLine POST /api/Document/{docRef}/detail Add a document detail line
DocumentApi amendDocument PATCH /api/Document/{idOrDocNo}/amend Amend a document
DocumentApi convertDocumentType POST /api/Document/{fromDocId}/convert/{toDocType} Convert a document to another type
DocumentApi createDocument POST /api/Document Create a document
DocumentApi deleteDocumentDetailLine DELETE /api/Document/{docRef}/detail/{docDetailRef} Delete a document detail line
DocumentApi disputeDocument POST /api/Document/{idOrDocNo}/dispute Dispute a document
DocumentApi getDocument GET /api/Document/{idOrDocNo} Get a document by id or document number
DocumentApi getDocumentByIntRef GET /api/Document/intref/{intRef} Get a document by the <a href=&quot;\&quot;&gt;internal reference</a>
DocumentApi getDocumentMatchDetails GET /api/Document/{idOrDocNo}/match/details Get document match details.
DocumentApi getDocumentMatchReverse GET /api/Document/{idOrDocNo}/match/reverse Get document match reverse details.
DocumentApi getDocumentMatchSummary GET /api/Document/{idOrDocNo}/match/outstanding/amount Get document match summary (amount only).
DocumentApi getDocuments GET /api/Document Get a list of documents with a search filter
DocumentApi submitDocument POST /api/Document/{docId}/submit Submit the document for authorisation and posting.
DocumentApi unauthoriseDocument POST /api/Document/{idOrDocNo}/unauthorise Unauthorise an approved document (non GL documents only).
DocumentApi unpostDocument POST /api/Document/{idOrDocNo}/unpost Unpost a document
DocumentApi updateDocument PATCH /api/Document/{idOrDocNo} Update a document
DocumentApi updateDocumentDetailLine PATCH /api/Document/{docRef}/detail/{docDetailRef} Update a document detail line
DocumentApi updateDocumentDetailLineObsolete PATCH /api/Document/detail/{docDetailId} Update a document detail line
DocumentAttachmentApi createDocumentAttachment POST /api/Document/{docRef}/AttachmentGroup/{attachmentGroupId}/Attachment Create a new attachment on a sepcified document.
DocumentAttachmentApi getDocumentAttachmentGroups GET /api/DocumentType/{docTypeRef}/AttachmentGroup Get a list of attachment groups defined on a specified document type.
DocumentAttachmentApi getDocumentAttachmentsInGroup GET /api/Document/{docRef}/AttachmentGroup/{attachmentGroupId}/Attachment Get a list of attachments in an attachment group on a specified document with a search filter.
DocumentBatchApi unpostDocumentBatch POST /api/DocumentBatch/{idOrBatchNo}/unpost Unpost a document
DocumentTypeApi getDocumentType GET /api/DocumentType/{documentTypeRef} Get a document type
EnquiryApi runEnquiry POST /api/Enquiry/run/{id} Run an enquiry that returns a list
EnquiryApi runEnquiryToList POST /api/Enquiry/run/{id}/list Run an enquiry that returns a list
EnquiryApi runEnquiryToTable POST /api/Enquiry/run/{id}/table Run an enquiry that returns a table
LegalEntityApi getAllLegalEntities GET /api/LegalEntity Get all legal entities
PaymentApi addPaymentAllocation POST /api/Payment/{docIdOrCode}/allocation Add a payment allocation.
PaymentApi createPayment POST /api/Payment Create a payment.
PaymentApi getPayment GET /api/Payment/{id} Get a payment
PaymentApi getPayments GET /api/Payment Get a list of payments with a search filter
PaymentApi submitPayment POST /api/Payment/{id}/submit Submit the payment for authorisation and posting.
ProductApi createProduct POST /api/Product Create a product
ProductApi deleteProduct DELETE /api/Product/{id} Permanently delete a product
ProductApi getProduct GET /api/Product/{idOrCode} Get a product
ProductApi getProducts GET /api/Product Get a list of products with a search filter
ProductApi lockProduct POST /api/Product/{id}/lock Lock a product
ProductApi updateProduct PATCH /api/Product/{idOrCode} Update a product
ProfileApi getProfile GET /api/Profile Get profile of current session
ProjectApi addProjectMilstones PUT /api/Project/{projectRef}/milestone Add a project milestone
ProjectApi addProjectResourceAvailability POST /api/Project/{projectRef}/availability Add a project resource availability
ProjectApi createProject POST /api/Project Create a project
ProjectApi deleteProjectMilstones DELETE /api/Project/{projectRef}/milestone/{milestoneIdOrCode} Delete a project milestone
ProjectApi deleteProjectResourceAvailability DELETE /api/Project/{projectRef}/availability Delete a project resource availability
ProjectApi getProject GET /api/Project/{projectRef} Get a project
ProjectApi getProjectResourceAvailability GET /api/Project/{projectRef}/availability Get a project resource availability
ProjectApi getProjects GET /api/Project Get a list of projects with a search filter
ProjectApi lockProject POST /api/Project/{projectRef}/lock Lock a project
ProjectApi projectMilstones GET /api/Project/{projectRef}/milestone Get a project milestones
ProjectApi replaceProjectMilstones POST /api/Project/{projectRef}/milestone Replace all project milestones
ProjectApi replaceProjectResourceAvailability PUT /api/Project/{projectRef}/availability Replace a project resource availability
ProjectApi unlockProject POST /api/Project/{projectRef}/unlock Unlock a project
ProjectApi updateProject PATCH /api/Project/{projectRef} Update a project
PurchaseInvoiceApi createPurchaseInvoice POST /api/PurchaseInvoice Create a purchase invoice.
PurchaseInvoiceApi getPurchaseInvoice GET /api/PurchaseInvoice/{id} Get a purchase invoice
PurchaseInvoiceApi getPurchaseInvoices GET /api/PurchaseInvoice Get a list of purchase invoices with a search filter
PurchaseInvoiceApi submitPurchaseInvoice POST /api/PurchaseInvoice/{id}/submit Submit a purchase invoice for authorisation and posting.
PurchaseInvoiceApi updatePurchaseInvoice PATCH /api/PurchaseInvoice/{idOrDocNo} Update a purchase invoice.
PurchaseOrderApi createPurchaseOrder POST /api/PurchaseOrder Create a purchase order.
PurchaseOrderApi getPurchaseOrder GET /api/PurchaseOrder/{id} Get a purchase order.
PurchaseOrderApi getPurchaseOrders GET /api/PurchaseOrder Get a list of purchase orders with a search filter
PurchaseOrderApi submitPurchaseOrder POST /api/PurchaseOrder/{id}/submit Submit a purchase order for authorisation.
PurchaseOrderApi updatePurchaseOrder PATCH /api/PurchaseOrder/{idOrDocNo} Update a purchase order.
ReceiptApi addReceiptAllocation POST /api/Receipt/{docIdOrCode}/allocation Add a receipt allocation.
ReceiptApi createReceipt POST /api/Receipt Create a receipt.
ReceiptApi getReceipt GET /api/Receipt/{id} Get a receipt
ReceiptApi getReceipts GET /api/Receipt Get a list of receipts with a search filter
ReceiptApi submitReceipt POST /api/Receipt/{id}/submit Submit a receipt for authorisation and posting.
ResourceApi getResource GET /api/Resource/{id} Get a resource
SaleInvoiceApi createSaleInvoice POST /api/SaleInvoice Create a sale invoice.
SaleInvoiceApi getSaleInvoice GET /api/SaleInvoice/{id} Get a sale invoice
SaleInvoiceApi getSaleInvoices GET /api/SaleInvoice Get a list of sale invoices with a search filter
SaleInvoiceApi submitSaleInvoice POST /api/SaleInvoice/{id}/submit Submit a sale invoice for authorisation and posting.
SaleInvoiceApi updateSaleInvoice PATCH /api/SaleInvoice/{idOrDocNo} Update a sale invoice
SaleOrderApi createSaleOrder POST /api/SaleOrder Create a sale order.
SaleOrderApi getSaleOrder GET /api/SaleOrder/{id} Get a sale order
SaleOrderApi getSaleOrders GET /api/SaleOrder Get sale orders with a search filter
SaleOrderApi submitSaleOrder POST /api/SaleOrder/{id}/submit Submit a sale order for authorisation.
SaleOrderApi updateSaleOrder PATCH /api/SaleOrder/{idOrDocNo} Update a sale order
SaleQuoteApi createSaleQuote POST /api/SaleQuote Create a sale quote
SaleQuoteApi getSaleQuote GET /api/SaleQuote/{id} Get a sale quote
SaleQuoteApi getSaleQuotes GET /api/SaleQuote Get a list of sale quotes with a search filter
SaleQuoteApi submitSaleQuote POST /api/SaleQuote/{id}/submit Submit a sale quote for authorisation.
SaleQuoteApi updateSaleQuote PATCH /api/SaleQuote/{idOrDocNo} Update a sale quote
SessionApi closeSession POST /api/Session/close Close the session
SessionApi createSessionAPIKey POST /api/Session/create/api Create a session with an API Key.


About this package

This PHP package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: 1.8.0
    • Package version: 1.8.0
    • Generator version: 7.8.0-SNAPSHOT
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PhpNextgenClientCodegen


No description, website, or topics provided.






No releases published
