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All URIs are relative to, except if the operation defines another base path.

Method HTTP request Description
getArtefactStatuses() GET /artefact_statuses Returns all Artefact Statuses
getArtefactStatusesKey() GET /artefact_statuses/{key} Returns a Artefact Status


getArtefactStatuses($itemsPerPage, $page, $attributes): \SynergiTech\Sage\Model\Base[]

Returns all Artefact Statuses

Endpoint Availability * Accounting Plus: 🇨🇦, 🇪🇸, 🇫🇷, 🇬🇧, 🇮🇪, 🇺🇸 * Accounting Standard: 🇬🇧, 🇮🇪 * Accounting Start: 🇨🇦, 🇪🇸, 🇫🇷, 🇬🇧, 🇮🇪, 🇺🇸 ### Access Control Restrictions Requires the authenticated user to have any mentioned role in one of the listed areas: * Area: Sales: Read Only, Restricted Access, Full Access * Area: Purchases: Read Only, Restricted Access, Full Access


require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

$apiInstance = new SynergiTech\Sage\Api\ArtefactStatusesApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client()
$itemsPerPage = 20; // int | Returns the given number of Artefact Statuses per request.
$page = 1; // int | Go to specific page of Artefact Statuses
$attributes = 'attributes_example'; // string | Specify the attributes that you want to expose for the Artefact Statuses (expose all attributes with 'all'). These are in addition to the base attributes (name, path)

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->getArtefactStatuses($itemsPerPage, $page, $attributes);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling ArtefactStatusesApi->getArtefactStatuses: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Name Type Description Notes
itemsPerPage int Returns the given number of Artefact Statuses per request. [optional] [default to 20]
page int Go to specific page of Artefact Statuses [optional] [default to 1]
attributes string Specify the attributes that you want to expose for the Artefact Statuses (expose all attributes with 'all'). These are in addition to the base attributes (name, path) [optional]

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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getArtefactStatusesKey($key, $attributes): \SynergiTech\Sage\Model\Base

Returns a Artefact Status

Endpoint Availability * Accounting Plus: 🇨🇦, 🇪🇸, 🇫🇷, 🇬🇧, 🇮🇪, 🇺🇸 * Accounting Standard: 🇬🇧, 🇮🇪 * Accounting Start: 🇨🇦, 🇪🇸, 🇫🇷, 🇬🇧, 🇮🇪, 🇺🇸 ### Access Control Restrictions Requires the authenticated user to have any mentioned role in one of the listed areas: * Area: Sales: Read Only, Restricted Access, Full Access * Area: Purchases: Read Only, Restricted Access, Full Access


require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

$apiInstance = new SynergiTech\Sage\Api\ArtefactStatusesApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client()
$key = 'key_example'; // string | The Artefact Status Key.
$attributes = 'attributes_example'; // string | Specify the attributes that you want to expose for the Artefact Status (expose all attributes with 'all'). These are in addition to the base attributes (name, path)

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->getArtefactStatusesKey($key, $attributes);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling ArtefactStatusesApi->getArtefactStatusesKey: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Name Type Description Notes
key string The Artefact Status Key.
attributes string Specify the attributes that you want to expose for the Artefact Status (expose all attributes with 'all'). These are in addition to the base attributes (name, path) [optional]

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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