path |
string |
The path for the resource |
[optional] |
nextInvoiceNumber |
int |
The next invoice number |
[optional] |
nextCreditNoteNumber |
int |
The next credit note number |
[optional] |
separateInvoiceCreditNoteNumbering |
bool |
Indicates whether to use separate or combined number sequences for invoices and credit notes |
[optional] |
salesInvoiceNumberPrefix |
string |
The prefix to use for sales invoices |
[optional] |
salesCreditNoteNumberPrefix |
string |
The prefix to use for sales credit notes |
[optional] |
invoiceTermsAndConditions |
string |
The default terms and conditions to include on invoices |
[optional] |
defaultNoteOnInvoice |
string |
The default notes to include on invoices |
[optional] |
defaultNoteOnCreditNote |
string |
The default notes to include on credit notes |
[optional] |
defaultNoteOnEstimate |
string |
The default notes to include on estimates |
[optional] |
defaultNoteOnQuote |
string |
The default notes to include on quotes |
[optional] |
nextQuoteNumber |
int |
The next quote number |
[optional] |
quoteNumberPrefix |
string |
The prefix to use for sales quotes |
[optional] |
estimateNumberPrefix |
string |
The prefix to use for sales estimates |
[optional] |
quoteDefaultDaysToExpiry |
int |
The default number of days before quotes expire |
[optional] |
estimateDefaultDaysToExpiry |
int |
The default number of days before estimates expire |
[optional] |
quoteTermsAndConditions |
string |
The default terms and conditions to include on quotes |
[optional] |
estimateTermsAndConditions |
string |
The default terms and conditions to include on estimates |
[optional] |
deliveryNoteTermsAndConditions |
string |
The default terms and conditions to include on delivery notes |
[optional] |
deliveryNoteShowSignature |
bool |
Indicates whether to include the signature lines on delivery notes |
[optional] |
deliveryNoteShowPicked |
bool |
Indicates whether to include the picked column on delivery notes |
[optional] |
deliveryNoteShowNotes |
bool |
Indicates whether to include the document notes on delivery notes |
[optional] |
deliveryNoteShowContactDetails |
bool |
Indicates whether to include contact details on delivery notes |
[optional] |
quickEntryPrefix |
string |
The prefix to use for quick entries |
[optional] |
latePaymentPercentage |
float |
The percentage charge applied to late payment of invoices (France only) |
[optional] |
promptPaymentPercentage |
float |
The percentage applied to late payment of invoices (France only) |
[optional] |
showAutoEntrepreneur |
bool |
Indicates whether to include auto entrepreneur details on invoices (France only) |
[optional] |
showInsurance |
bool |
Indicates whether to include insurance details on invoices (France only) |
[optional] |
insurer |
\SynergiTech\Sage\Model\Contact |
[optional] |
insuranceArea |
string |
The insurance area to be displayed on invoices (France only) |
[optional] |
insuranceType |
string |
The insurance type to be displayed on invoices (France only) |
[optional] |
insuranceText |
string |
The insurance mention to be displayed on invoices (France only) |
[optional] |
paymentBankAccount |
\SynergiTech\Sage\Model\Base |
[optional] |
salesCorrectiveInvoiceNumberPrefix |
string |
The sales corrective invoice number prefix (Spain only) |
[optional] |
nextSalesCorrectiveInvoiceNumber |
int |
The next sales corrective invoice number |
[optional] |
documentHeadings |
\SynergiTech\Sage\Model\InvoiceSettingsDocumentHeadings |
[optional] |
lineItemTitles |
\SynergiTech\Sage\Model\InvoiceSettingsLineItemTitles |
[optional] |
footerDetails |
\SynergiTech\Sage\Model\FooterDetails |
[optional] |
printContactDetails |
\SynergiTech\Sage\Model\PrintContactDetails |
[optional] |
printStatements |
\SynergiTech\Sage\Model\PrintStatements |
[optional] |
customerCreditDays |
int |
The default delay within which the business' customer has to pay an invoice Prefer the (customer) contact's attribute 'credit_days' over this setting to calculate an invoice's date of payment; only if null, use this as default. |
[optional] |
vendorCreditDays |
int |
The default delay within which the business has to pay any vendor's invoice Prefer the specific (vendor) contact's attribute 'credit_days' over this setting; only if null, use this as default. |
[optional] |
customerCreditTerms |
string |
The default credit terms options determine how invoice due dates are calculated. Options include: end of next month, a delay of customer credit_days and immediately. Only: month_end_invoice, date_from_invoice, immediate_invoice are valid values. Prefer the (customer) contact's credit terms over this setting to calculate an invoice's date of payment; only if null, use this as default. |
[optional] |
vendorCreditTerms |
string |
The default credit terms options determine how invoice due dates are calculated. Options include: end of next month, a delay of supplier credit_days and immediately. Only: month_end_payment, date_from_payment, immediate_payment are valid values. Prefer the (vendor) contact's credit terms over this setting to calculate an invoice's date of payment; only if null, use this as default. |
[optional] |
updatedAt |
\DateTime |
The datetime when the item was last updated |
[optional] |