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# PurchaseCreditNote


Name Type Description Notes
id string The unique identifier for the item [optional]
displayedAs string The name of the resource [optional]
path string The API path for the resource [optional]
createdAt \DateTime The datetime when the item was created [optional]
updatedAt \DateTime The datetime when the item was last updated [optional]
links \SynergiTech\Sage\Model\Link[] Links for the resource [optional]
editable bool Indicates whether artefact can be edited [optional]
vatReverseCharge bool Indicates whether Domestic Reverser Charge is applied to the artefact. Only used for a UK business. [optional]
transaction \SynergiTech\Sage\Model\Transaction [optional]
transactionType \SynergiTech\Sage\Model\Base [optional]
postponedAccounting bool Indicates whether postponed accounting rules are applied to the artefact. Only used for UK and IE accounting businesses, where the vendor is flagged as importer [optional]
import bool Indicates whether import rules are applied to the artefact. Only used for UK, IE, FR and ES Accounting businesses, where the vendor is flagged as importer. [optional]
vatExemptConsignment bool Indicates whether vat exempt import is applied to the artefact. Only used for a UK business, where the artefact has the consignment checkbox selected. [optional]
deletedAt \DateTime The datetime when the item was deleted [optional]
isCis bool Identifies an artefact as CIS (Construction Industry Scheme) applicable - UK only [optional]
cisApplicableAmount float The total amount of CIS deductible labour - only applicable in UK [optional]
baseCurrencyCisApplicableAmount float The total amount of CIS deductible labour in the base currency - only applicable in UK [optional]
totalAfterCisDeduction float The total of the artefact with the total of CIS deducted - only applicable in UK [optional]
baseCurrencyTotalAfterCisDeduction float The total of the artefact with the total of CIS deducted in the base currency - only applicable in UK [optional]
hasCisLabour bool Identifies an artefact as having CIS Labour line items [optional]
hasCisMaterials bool Identifies an artefact as having CIS Materials line items [optional]
contact \SynergiTech\Sage\Model\Contact [optional]
baseCurrencyTotalItcAmount float The total amount of input tax credit in base currency for the purchase credit note (Canada only) [optional]
totalItcAmount float The total amount of input tax credit for the purchase credit note (Canada only) [optional]
baseCurrencyTotalItrAmount float The total amount of input tax refund in base currency for the purchase credit note (Canada only) [optional]
totalItrAmount float The total amount of input tax refund for the purchase credit note (Canada only) [optional]
partRecoverable bool Indicates if the purchase credit note is part recoverable or not (Canada only) [optional]
contactName string The name of the contact when the credit note was created [optional]
contactReference string The reference of the contact when the credit note was created [optional]
date \DateTime The date of the credit note [optional]
originalInvoiceDate \DateTime The date of the original invoice [optional]
reference string The reference for the credit note [optional]
vendorReference string The vendor reference for the credit note [optional]
notes string credit note notes [optional]
totalQuantity float The total quantity of the credit note [optional]
netAmount float The net amount of the credit note [optional]
taxAmount float The tax amount of the credit note [optional]
totalAmount float The total amount of the credit note [optional]
paymentsAllocationsTotalAmount float The total amount of all payments and allocations [optional]
paymentsAllocationsTotalDiscount float The total discount of all payments and allocations [optional]
totalPaid float The total paid amount of the credit note including any payments, allocations and discounts [optional]
outstandingAmount float The outstanding amount of the credit note [optional]
currency \SynergiTech\Sage\Model\Base [optional]
exchangeRate float The exchange rate for the credit note [optional]
inverseExchangeRate string The inverse exchange rate for the credit note [optional]
baseCurrencyNetAmount float The net amount of the credit note in base currency [optional]
baseCurrencyTaxAmount float The tax amount of the credit note in base currency [optional]
baseCurrencyTotalAmount float The total amount of the credit note in base currency [optional]
baseCurrencyOutstandingAmount float The outstanding amount of the credit note in base currency [optional]
status \SynergiTech\Sage\Model\Base [optional]
voidReason string The reason the credit note was voided [optional]
creditNoteLines \SynergiTech\Sage\Model\PurchaseCreditNoteLineItem[] The credit note lines of the credit note [optional]
taxAnalysis \SynergiTech\Sage\Model\ArtefactTaxAnalysis[] The credit note tax analysis [optional]
detailedTaxAnalysis \SynergiTech\Sage\Model\ArtefactDetailedTaxAnalysis [optional]
paymentsAllocations \SynergiTech\Sage\Model\PaymentAllocation[] The associated payments and allocations [optional]
lastPaid \DateTime The date of the last payment [optional]
taxAddressRegion \SynergiTech\Sage\Model\Base [optional]
taxReconciled bool Indicates if the purchase credit note is tax reconciled or not. [optional]
migrated bool Indicates if the purchase credit note was migrated from another system. [optional]
taxCalculationMethod string The tax calculation method, if applicable, for this purchase credit note, returns invoice or cash. [optional]
withholdingTaxRate float The withheld Tax Rate - only applicable in UK (CIS subcontractor tax rate) [optional]
withholdingTaxAmount float The withheld Tax Amount - only applicable in UK (CIS subcontractor tax) [optional]
baseCurrencyWithholdingTaxAmount float The withheld Tax Amount in the base currency - only applicable in UK (CIS subcontractor tax) [optional]

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