id |
string |
The unique identifier for the item |
[optional] |
displayedAs |
string |
The name of the resource |
[optional] |
path |
string |
The API path for the resource |
[optional] |
createdAt |
\DateTime |
The datetime when the item was created |
[optional] |
updatedAt |
\DateTime |
The datetime when the item was last updated |
[optional] |
links |
\SynergiTech\Sage\Model\Link[] |
Links for the resource |
[optional] |
editable |
bool |
Indicates whether artefact can be edited |
[optional] |
vatReverseCharge |
bool |
Indicates whether Domestic Reverser Charge is applied to the artefact. Only used for a UK business. |
[optional] |
taxCalculationMethod |
string |
The tax calculation method, if applicable, for this sales invoice, returns invoice, cash or retailer. |
[optional] |
destinationConsignment |
bool |
Indicates whether consignment checkbox for destination VAT is checked on the artefact. Only used for an UK business, where destination VAT was enabled in the settings. |
[optional] |
destinationVatRatesInUse |
bool |
Indicates whether destination vat rates are in use |
[optional] |
transaction |
\SynergiTech\Sage\Model\Transaction |
[optional] |
transactionType |
\SynergiTech\Sage\Model\Base |
[optional] |
deletedAt |
\DateTime |
The datetime when the item was deleted |
[optional] |
isCis |
bool |
Identifies an artefact as CIS (Construction Industry Scheme) applicable - UK only |
[optional] |
cisApplicableAmount |
float |
The total amount of CIS deductible labour - only applicable in UK |
[optional] |
baseCurrencyCisApplicableAmount |
float |
The total amount of CIS deductible labour in the base currency - only applicable in UK |
[optional] |
totalAfterCisDeduction |
float |
The total of the artefact with the total of CIS deducted - only applicable in UK |
[optional] |
baseCurrencyTotalAfterCisDeduction |
float |
The total of the artefact with the total of CIS deducted in the base currency - only applicable in UK |
[optional] |
hasCisLabour |
bool |
Identifies an artefact as having CIS Labour line items |
[optional] |
hasCisMaterials |
bool |
Identifies an artefact as having CIS Materials line items |
[optional] |
contact |
\SynergiTech\Sage\Model\Contact |
[optional] |
recurringInvoice |
\SynergiTech\Sage\Model\RecurringSalesInvoice |
[optional] |
invoiceNumberPrefix |
string |
The invoice number prefix |
[optional] |
invoiceNumber |
string |
The generated invoice number |
[optional] |
contactName |
string |
The name of the contact when the invoice was created |
[optional] |
contactReference |
string |
The reference of the contact when the invoice was created |
[optional] |
date |
\DateTime |
The date of the invoice |
[optional] |
dueDate |
\DateTime |
The due date of the invoice |
[optional] |
reference |
string |
The reference for the invoice |
[optional] |
mainAddressFreeForm |
string |
The free-form main address of the invoice Note: An upper length limit of 500 characters is imposed conditionally and may not apply in every request. A hard upper limit of 65535 characters is imposed by the storage layer, though. |
[optional] |
mainAddress |
\SynergiTech\Sage\Model\SalesArtefactAddress |
[optional] |
deliveryAddressFreeForm |
string |
The free-form delivery address of the invoice Note: An upper length limit of 500 characters is imposed conditionally and may not apply in every request. A hard upper limit of 65535 characters is imposed by the storage layer, though. |
[optional] |
deliveryAddress |
\SynergiTech\Sage\Model\SalesArtefactAddress |
[optional] |
notes |
string |
Invoice notes |
[optional] |
termsAndConditions |
string |
Invoice terms and conditions |
[optional] |
shippingNetAmount |
float |
The net shipping amount |
[optional] |
shippingTaxRate |
\SynergiTech\Sage\Model\Base |
[optional] |
shippingTaxAmount |
float |
The tax shipping amount. NOTE: This is not required for POST/PUT requests as the shipping tax is calculated based on the shipping_net_amount and the shipping_tax_rate. |
[optional] |
shippingTaxBreakdown |
\SynergiTech\Sage\Model\TaxBreakdown[] |
The shipping tax breakdown for the invoice |
[optional] |
shippingTotalAmount |
float |
The total shipping amount |
[optional] |
netAmount |
float |
The net amount of the invoice |
[optional] |
taxAmount |
float |
The tax amount of the invoice |
[optional] |
totalAmount |
float |
The total amount of the invoice |
[optional] |
paymentsAllocationsTotalAmount |
float |
The total amount of all payments and allocations |
[optional] |
paymentsAllocationsTotalDiscount |
float |
The total discount of all payments and allocations |
[optional] |
totalPaid |
float |
The total paid amount of the invoice including any payments, allocations and discounts |
[optional] |
outstandingAmount |
float |
The outstanding amount of the invoice |
[optional] |
currency |
\SynergiTech\Sage\Model\Base |
[optional] |
exchangeRate |
float |
The exchange rate for the invoice |
[optional] |
inverseExchangeRate |
float |
The inverse exchange rate for the invoice |
[optional] |
baseCurrencyShippingNetAmount |
float |
The net shipping amount in base currency |
[optional] |
baseCurrencyShippingTaxAmount |
float |
The tax shipping amount in base currency |
[optional] |
baseCurrencyShippingTaxBreakdown |
\SynergiTech\Sage\Model\TaxBreakdown[] |
The shipping tax breakdown for the invoice in base currency |
[optional] |
baseCurrencyShippingTotalAmount |
float |
The total shipping amount in base currency |
[optional] |
totalQuantity |
float |
The total quantity of the invoice |
[optional] |
totalDiscountAmount |
float |
The discount amount on the invoice |
[optional] |
baseCurrencyTotalDiscountAmount |
float |
The discount amount on the invoice in base currency |
[optional] |
baseCurrencyNetAmount |
float |
The net amount of the invoice in base currency |
[optional] |
baseCurrencyTaxAmount |
float |
The tax amount of the invoice in base currency |
[optional] |
baseCurrencyTotalAmount |
float |
The total amount of the invoice in base currency |
[optional] |
baseCurrencyOutstandingAmount |
float |
The outstanding amount of the invoice in base currency |
[optional] |
status |
\SynergiTech\Sage\Model\Base |
[optional] |
sent |
bool |
Indicates whether the invoice has been sent |
[optional] |
sentByEmail |
bool |
Indicates whether the invoice has been emailed |
[optional] |
voidReason |
string |
The reason the invoice was voided |
[optional] |
invoiceLines |
\SynergiTech\Sage\Model\SalesInvoiceLineItem[] |
The invoice lines of the invoice |
[optional] |
taxAnalysis |
\SynergiTech\Sage\Model\ArtefactTaxAnalysis[] |
The invoice tax analysis |
[optional] |
detailedTaxAnalysis |
\SynergiTech\Sage\Model\ArtefactDetailedTaxAnalysis |
[optional] |
paymentsAllocations |
\SynergiTech\Sage\Model\PaymentAllocation[] |
The associated payments and allocations |
[optional] |
lastPaid |
\DateTime |
The date of the last payment |
[optional] |
originalQuoteEstimate |
\SynergiTech\Sage\Model\SalesInvoiceQuoteEstimate |
[optional] |
taxAddressRegion |
\SynergiTech\Sage\Model\Base |
[optional] |
deliveryPerformanceDate |
string |
Delivery/Performance Date (Germany only) |
[optional] |
withholdingTaxRate |
float |
The withheld Tax Rate - only applicable in UK (CIS subcontractor tax rate) and Spain (IRPF) |
[optional] |
withholdingTaxAmount |
float |
The withheld Tax Amount - only applicable in UK (CIS subcontractor tax) and Spain (IRPF) |
[optional] |
baseCurrencyWithholdingTaxAmount |
float |
The withheld Tax Amount in the base currency - only applicable in UK (CIS subcontractor tax) and Spain (IRPF) |
[optional] |
corrections |
\SynergiTech\Sage\Model\SalesCorrectiveInvoice[] |
The corrective entries associated with the invoice |
[optional] |
taxReconciled |
bool |
Indicates if the sales invoice is tax reconciled or not. |
[optional] |
migrated |
bool |
Indicates if the sales invoice was migrated from another system. |
[optional] |