- Map preview in Remastered, Carbot and HD graphics.
- Simple map download with the possibility to open.
- Load any map terrain, even from protected maps.
- Can work as separate executable or from within a SCMDraft as a plugin.
Project structure:
- AssetsPacker and AssetsPackerCS
- Packing Starcraft assets into binaries for use for preview.
- AssetsPackerCS Turned out to be running terribly slow, so it was rewritten into C++ and is now deprecated.
- GUILib
- Main project containing most of the code. Does not run on its own.
- SCMDPlugin
- Project for building SCMDraft Plugin. Contains interface and some callbacks for SCMDraft.
- WPFRunner
- Project for building standalone executable.
- Sprites and units featured in preview.
- Embed forbidden compression algorithms.
- Add protection toolchain per map file basis.
- Explore the possibility of hijacking mpq lib functions to insert custom sections for this.
- Add map publishing.
- Advanced search.
Internal TODO:
- Figure out how to space the plugin button within SCMD window.
Statically better position.- Dynamically calculated position.
- Design and switch to JSON API.
- Finalize configuration editing in asset packer.
- Possible x64 support for SCMD plugin.
- Multiple instances.
- Graceful shutdown.