A simple lifesteal plugin.
- dls.main (/lifesteal)
- Main command
- dls.viewhearts (/viewhearts)
- If disabled in config, this permission is required to use the command.
- dls.bypass
- Bypass elimination
- dls.eliminate (/eliminate)
- Eliminate a player
- dls.revive (/revive)
- Revive a player
- dls.give (/giveheartitems)
- Give heart items to a player
- dls.reset (/resethealth)
- Reset a players health
- /lifesteal [reload]
- Permission: dls.main
- View plugin version/reload it.
- /withdraw <amount>
- Withdraw hearts.
- /transfer <player> <amount>
- Transfers hearts to another player.
- /viewhearts <player>
- View how many hearts another player has.
- /eliminate <all | player>
- Permission: dls.eliminate
- Eliminates a player
- /revive <all | player>
- Permission: dls.revive
- Revives a player.
- /resethealth <all | player>
- Permission: dls.reset
- Resets a players health back to 10 hearts.
- /giveheartitems <player> <amount>
- Permission: dls.give
- Gives a player a certain amount of heart items.