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An improved helper for working with cache


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Smart Cache for Laravel

Laravel Cache

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To get the latest version of Smart Cache, simply require the project using Composer:

composer require dragon-code/laravel-cache

Or manually update require block of composer.json and run composer update.

    "require": {
        "dragon-code/laravel-cache": "^4.0"

Upgrade Guide

Information on upgrade from version 3 to 4 is located in the UPGRADE file.


Keys And Tags

In addition to passing an explicit value, you can also pass objects and arrays to the keys and tags methods.

For example:

use DragonCode\Cache\Services\Cache;
use Tests\Fixtures\Dto\DtoObject;
use Tests\Fixtures\Simple\CustomObject;

$arr1 = ['foo', 'bar'];
$arr2 = new ArrayObject(['foo', 'bar']);
$arr3 = DtoObject::make(['foo' => 'Foo', 'bar'=> 'Bar']);
$arr4 = new CustomObject();


    ->key([$arr1, $arr2, $arr3, $arr4, 'foo', 'bar'])
    ->tags([$arr1, $arr2, $arr3, $arr4, 'foo', 'bar']);

Unpacking and processing of objects occurs as follows:

use DragonCode\Cache\Services\Cache;
use Tests\Fixtures\Dto\DtoObject;
use Tests\Fixtures\Simple\CustomObject;

['Foo', 'Bar'];
// as key: ['Foo', 'Bar']
// as tag: ['foo', 'bar']

new ArrayObject(['Foo', 'Bar']);
// as key: ['Foo', 'Bar']
// as tag: ['foo', 'bar']

DtoObject::make(['foo' => 'Foo', 'bar'=> 'Bar']);
// as key: ['Foo', 'Bar']
// as tag: ['foo', 'bar']

new CustomObject();
// as key: ['Foo']
// as tag: ['foo']

Keys Handling

Since the main problem of working with the cache's key compilation, this package solves it.

By passing values to the keys method, we get a ready-made key at the output.

The hash is formed by the value key=value, which allows avoiding collisions when passing identical objects.

In the case of passing nested arrays, the key is formed according to the principle key1.key2=value, where key1 and key2 are the keys of each nested array.

For example:

use DragonCode\Cache\Services\Cache;

Cache::make()->key('foo', 'bar', [null, 'baz', 'baq']);

// Key is `d76f2bde023f5602ae837d01f4ec1876:660a13c00e04c0d3ffb4dbf02a84a07a:6fc3659bd986e86534c6587caf5f431a:bd62cbee62e027d0be4b1656781edcbf`

This means that when writing to the cache, the tree view will be used.

For example:

use DragonCode\Cache\Services\Cache;

Cache::make()->key('foo', 'foo')->put('Foo');
Cache::make()->key('foo', 'bar')->put('Bar');

// d76f2bde023f5602ae837d01f4ec1876:
//     086f76c144511e1198c29a261e87ca50: Foo
//     660a13c00e04c0d3ffb4dbf02a84a07a: Bar
// 1b9829f3bd21835a15735f3a65cc75e9: Baz

Disable key hashing

In some cases, you need to disable the use of the key hashing mechanism. To do this, simply call the hashKey(false) method:

use DragonCode\Cache\Services\Cache;

Cache::make()->key('foo', 'foo')->hashKey(false)->put('Foo');
Cache::make()->key('foo', 'bar')->hashKey(false)->put('Bar');

// 0=foo:
//     1=foo: Foo
//     1=bar: Bar
// 0=baz: Baz
use DragonCode\Cache\Services\Cache;

            ['foo' => 'Foo'],
            ['bar' => 'Bar'],
            [['Baz', 'Qwerty']],


With Authentication

In some cases, it is necessary to bind the cache to certain users. To do this, we have added the withAuth helper.

use DragonCode\Cache\Services\Cache;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;

Cache::make()->withAuth()->key('foo', 'bar');

// instead of
Cache::make()->key(get_class(Auth::user()), Auth::id(), 'foo', 'bar');

When processing requests with a call to the withAuth method, the binding will be carried out not only by identifier, but also by reference to the model class, since a project can have several models with the possibility of authorization.

For example, App\Models\Employee, App\Models\User.

When Enabled


use DragonCode\Cache\Services\Cache;

$cache = Cache::make()
    ->key('foo', 'bar', ['baz', 'baq'])
    ->ttl(200, true);
    // When `true` is equal to 200 minutes.
    // When `false` is equal to 200 seconds.
    // By default, `true`

$cache->put(static fn() => 'Some value');
// or
$cache->put('Some value');
// Contains cached `Some value`

$cache->remember(static fn() => 'Some value');
// or
$cache->remember('Some value');
// Contains cached `Some value`

$cache->rememberForever(static fn() => 'Some value');
// or
$cache->rememberForever('Some value');
// Contains cached `Some value`

// Uses the functionality of the `Cache::flexible()` method
$cache->flexible(50)->remember('Some value');
// equals `Cache::flexible($key, [50, 200], fn () => 'Some value')`

$cache->flexible(-50)->remember('Some value');
// equals `Cache::flexible($key, [150, 200], fn () => 'Some value')`

$cache->flexible(0)->remember('Some value'); // By default, `0`
// equals `Cache::flexible($key, [170, 200], fn () => 'Some value')`
// (200 - 15%) = 170

$cache->flexible(50, true); // 50 minutes
$cache->flexible(50, false); // 50 seconds
$cache->flexible(0, false); // the `true/false` modifier is not used

// Returns cached `Some value`

// Returns `true`

// Returns `false`

// Will remove the key from the cache.

// Clears keys or tags by value
use DragonCode\Cache\Services\Cache;
use App\Models\User;

$user = User::first();

$cache = Cache::make()->key('foo');

$cache->put(static fn() => $user);
// or
// Contains cached `$user`

$cache->remember(static fn() => $user);
// or
// Contains cached `$user`

$cache->rememberForever(static fn() => $user);
// or
// Contains cached `$user`

// Returns User model with flexibility

// Returns User model

// Returns `true`

// Returns `false`

// Will remove the key from the cache.

// Clears keys or tags by value

Method Call Chain

Sometimes in the process of working with a cache, it becomes necessary to call some code between certain actions, and in this case the call method will come to the rescue:

use DragonCode\Cache\Services\Cache;

$cache = Cache::make()->key('foo');
$warmUp = false;

    ->call(fn (Cache $cache) => $cache->forget(), $warmUp)
    ->call(fn () => $someService->someMethod())

In addition, the forget method now returns an instance of the Cache object, so it can be used like this:

use DragonCode\Cache\Services\Cache;

$cache = Cache::make()->key('foo');

    ->call(fn () => $someService->someMethod())

Previously, you had to use the following sequence:

use DragonCode\Cache\Services\Cache;

$cache = Cache::make()->key('foo');
$warmUp = false;

if ($warmUp) {



Custom TTL

By default, the cache will be written for 1 day.

The cache will be written for the specified number of minutes, seconds or the DateTimeInterface instance.

It does not matter in which direction the time shift will be. During processing, the value is converted to the abs().

As Minutes
use Carbon\Carbon;
use DateTime;
use DragonCode\Cache\Services\Cache;
use DragonCode\Cache\Support\Ttl;

Cache::make()->ttl(fn () => 10);

Cache::make()->ttl(new DateTime('tomorrow'));
As Seconds
use Carbon\Carbon;
use DateTime;
use DragonCode\Cache\Services\Cache;

Cache::make()->ttl(10, false);
Cache::make()->ttl('10', false);
Cache::make()->ttl(fn () => 10, false);

Cache::make()->ttl(Carbon::now()->addDay(), false);
Cache::make()->ttl(new DateTime('tomorrow'), false);
By Objects And Custom Strings

You can also store all TTL values in one place - in the config/cache.php file.

To do this, add a ttl block to the file and define a TTL for the objects.

After that you can use the following construction:

use DragonCode\Cache\Services\Cache;
use Tests\Fixtures\Simple\CustomObject;

Cache::make()->ttl(new CustomObject());
Cache::make()->ttl((object) ['foo' => 'Foo']);

// You can also specify that these values are in seconds, not minutes:
Cache::make()->ttl(CustomObject::class, false);
Cache::make()->ttl(new CustomObject(), false);
Cache::make()->ttl('custom_key', false);
Cache::make()->ttl((object) ['foo' => 'Foo'], false);

If the value is not found, the default value will be taken, which you can also override in the configuration file.


For repositories that support tagging, the keys will be saved separated by tags.

use DragonCode\Cache\Services\Cache;

$cache = Cache::make()
    ->tags('actor', 'author')
    ->key('foo', 'bar', ['baz', 'baq']);

$cache->put(static fn() => 'Some value');
// or
$cache->put('Some value');
// Contains cached `Some value`

// Returns cached `Some value`

// Returns `true`

// Returns `false`

// Will remove the key from the cache.

// Clears keys or tags by value

To retrieve a tagged cache item, pass the same ordered list of tags to the tags method and then call the get method with the key you wish to retrieve:

use DragonCode\Cache\Services\Cache;

$cache = Cache::make()->key('foo', 'bar');

$cache->tags('actor', 'author')->put(static fn() => 'Some value');
// or
$cache->tags('actor', 'author')->put('Some value');
// Contains cached `Some value`

$cache->tags('actor', 'author')->get();
// Returns cached `Some value`

// Returns `null`

// Returns `null`

// Clears keys or tags by value

See the official Laravel documentation.

When Disabled

Passing when = false will not write to the cache.

use DragonCode\Cache\Services\Cache;

$cache = Cache::make()
    ->key('foo', 'bar');

$value = $cache->put(static fn() => 'Some value');
// or
$value = $cache->put('Some value');
// Returns `Some value`

// Returns `null`

// Returns `false`

// Returns `true`

You can also define whether to enable or disable the use of cache storage in the settings.

For example:

// config/cache.php
return [
    'enabled' => [
        // App\Models\Page::class     => true,
        // 'stdClass' => false,
        // 'foo' => false,
use App\Services\Some;use DragonCode\Cache\Services\Cache;

// as string
$cache = Cache::make()->when('foo');

// as class-string
$cache = Cache::make()->when(Some::class);
$cache = Cache::make()->when(static::class);
$cache = Cache::make()->when(self::class);

// as class
$cache = Cache::make()->when(new Some);
$cache = Cache::make()->when($this);

// as stdClass
$cache = Cache::make()->when((object)['foo' => 'Foo']);


This package's licensed under the MIT License.