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(1.16 ) Getting Started

Speiger edited this page Jun 23, 2021 · 6 revisions

Scavenge is a pretty powerful Tool for Modpack Developers, but just as powerful, it is also complex.
The following Examples should be able to help you get going with Scavenge.

Some things that are not necessary, but recommended are:

  1. A Mod to help loading Datapacks for every World. In this Guide I am using this mod, you don't have to use this mod specifically, any Mod that loads Datapacks for every World does it just as well.
  2. Something that allows you to generate Loot Tables, as with time it will become tedious writing Loot Pools over and over again. I recommend using this website.

There are now very few Prerequirements needed.

  1. Start your Minecraft Instance with Scavenge to Main Menu.
  2. Now your configs should be generated. Open the "scavenge.toml" and set 'printExamples' and 'dumpScripts' to true.
  3. Open/Generate your DevWorld.

Now thanks to the Datapack Loading Mod, we don't have to go around and find all the Datapacks, within various possible DevWorlds.
We now have a new Folder within our Instance Folder called "global_data_packs".
Within that Folder we now have to create our directory. ''yourPackNameHere/data/minecraft/''.
Now we need 2 more Folders within that 'minecraft' folder.

  1. "loot_tables"
  2. "scavenge_scripts"

Now 1 last thing is missing, you need to create a file called "pack.mcmeta", within the ''yourPackNameHere'' Folder. With following Content:

	"pack": {
		"pack_format": 6,
		"description": [{"text":"Scavenge Test Script","color":"gold"}]

Congratulations, now you can start using Scavenge to it's full extent.

How about we start learning about the Basic Structure of a Script?
(1.16+) Script Structure

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