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Generically derive lenses for accessing fields of data types.

Available on Hackage

This package uses the GHC 8 Generic representation to derive various operations on data structures with a lens interface, including structural subtype relationship between records and positional indexing into arbitrary product types.

This is made possible by GHC-8's new Generics API, which provides the meta-data at the type-level (previously only value-level meta-data was available).

An example can be found in the examples folder.

(The library makes heavy use of Visible Type Applications)

Record fields

Record fields can be accessed by their label.

data Person = Person { name :: String, age :: Int } deriving (Show, Generic)

sally :: Person
sally = Person "Sally" 25
>>> getField @"age" sally

>>> setField @"age" 26 sally
Person { name = "Sally", age = 26 }

>>> sally ^. label @"name"

>>> sally & label @"name" .~ "Tamas"
Person { name = "Tamas", age = 25 }

Positional fields

Fields can be accessed by their position in the data structure (index starting at 1).

data Point = Point Int Int Int deriving (Show, Generic)
data Polygon = Polygon Point Point Point deriving (Show, Generic)

polygon :: Polygon
polygon = Polygon (Point 1 5 3) (Point 2 4 2) (Point 5 7 (-2))
>>> getFieldAt @2 polygon
Point 2 4 2

>>> setFieldAt @1 (Point 26 5 3) polygon
Polygon (Point 26 5 3) (Point 2 4 2) (Point 5 7 (-2))

>>> polygon ^. itemAt @1 . itemAt @2

>>> polygon & itemAt @3 . itemAt @2 %~ (+10)
Polygon (Point 1 5 3) (Point 2 4 2) (Point 5 17 (-2))

Since tuples are an instance of Generic, positional lenses can be used with them.

>>> (("hello", True), 5) ^. itemAt @1 . itemAt @2

Structural subtyping

A record is a (structural) `subtype' of another, if its fields are a superset of those of the other.

data Human = Human
  { name    :: String
  , age     :: Int
  , address :: String
  } deriving (Generic, Show)

data Animal = Animal
  { name    :: String
  , age     :: Int
  } deriving (Generic, Show)

human :: Human
human = Human { name = "Tunyasz", age = 50, address = "London" }
>>> upcast human :: Animal
Animal {name = "Tunyasz", age = 50}

-- 'smash' plug the smaller structure into the larger one
>>> smash (Animal "dog" 10) human
Human {name = "dog", age = 10, address = "London"}

-- 'super' is a lens that focuses on a subrecord of a larger record:
>>> human ^. super @Animal
Animal {name = "Tunyasz", age = 50}

We can apply a function that operates on a supertype to the larger (subtype) structure, by focusing on the supertype first:

growUp :: Animal -> Animal
growUp (Animal name age) = Animal name (age + 50)

>>> human & super @Animal %~ growUp
Human {name = "Tunyasz", age = 60, address = "London"}



Magic record operations using generics







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