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Pull requests: VIDA-NYU/reprozip

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Pull requests list

add a data journalism checkbox to the GUI C-unpack-gui Component: The Qt unpacking GUI (reprounzip-qt) T-enhancement Type: En enhancement to existing code, or a new feature
#349 opened Feb 26, 2019 by quoideneuf Loading…
Packing GUI C-packer Component: The packer part of reprozip
#308 opened Jul 2, 2018 by remram44 Loading… 1.0.x
Unpacking to Singularity C-unpacker Component: New unpacker or common unpacker functionalities R-invalid Resolution: This is not an issue for this project
#305 opened Jun 21, 2018 by remram44 Draft 1.0.x
Integrate Heng's provenance vis to ReproUnzip 🎉 C-d3-vis Component: The D3 interactive provenance visualization C-unpacker Component: New unpacker or common unpacker functionalities T-enhancement Type: En enhancement to existing code, or a new feature
#269 opened Aug 25, 2017 by remram44 Loading…
2 tasks done
Add --[dont-]install-packages option C-unpackers/vagrant Component: The Vagrant unpacker T-enhancement Type: En enhancement to existing code, or a new feature
#237 opened Apr 11, 2017 by remram44 Loading… 1.0.x
Consider files stat()'d then written as output A-question Attention: There is an open question for which more input is requested C-packer Component: The packer part of reprozip T-enhancement Type: En enhancement to existing code, or a new feature
#236 opened Apr 8, 2017 by remram44 Loading… 1.0.x
Add search to input/output file dialog C-unpack-gui Component: The Qt unpacking GUI (reprounzip-qt) T-enhancement Type: En enhancement to existing code, or a new feature
#218 opened Oct 12, 2016 by remram44 Loading… 1.0.x
Allow passing '-' to 'reprounzip graph' to write to stdout A-pending-review Attention: This is ready for review and can be merged afterwards C-graph Component: The graph command, showing the provenance as a Graphviz graph T-enhancement Type: En enhancement to existing code, or a new feature
#190 opened Jun 3, 2016 by remram44 Loading… 2.0
Select runs to plot in reprounzip-graph A-pending-review Attention: This is ready for review and can be merged afterwards C-graph Component: The graph command, showing the provenance as a Graphviz graph T-enhancement Type: En enhancement to existing code, or a new feature
#186 opened May 19, 2016 by remram44 Loading… 2.0
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