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Eos is the software platform for Georgia Tech's "Lightning from the Edge of Space" high-altitude ballooning project under the VIP program. This module defines the ground software.



  1. Install python >= 3.10 and add to PATH
  2. Clone the repo: git clone
  3. Initialize virtual env: python -m venv venv (PyCharm can also do this for you)
  4. Every time you want to enter the venv, run source ./venv/bin/activate (Note: If you have PyCharm initialize the venv, then the path might look like ./venv/Scripts/activate)
  5. Install dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt

Note: to exit the venv, run deactivate


  1. Install PostgreSQL 15 and pgAdmin 4
  2. When prompted to set the password for user 'postgres', set to 'password'
  3. From the repository root, run python -m EosGround.database.db_setup to create the database

Note: on Mac sometimes the postgres server acts up, try sudo service postgres restart



  • Do not commit directly to main. You must create an issue, make a branch, make a PR, and get it reviewed and approved.
  • If you make a PR for the first time, add yourself to in your PR.

Adding Python Dependencies

  • In your terminal in your venv, run pip install <your dependency>
  • Run pip freeze and compare the result to requirements.txt. Add any new lines from the pip freeze output to the requirements.txt file
  • You should now be able to import <your dependency> in your EosPayload python files
  • To bump the EosLib version, run pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall git+[email protected]#egg=EosLib (replace X.Y.Z with the version number)

Data Pipelines

See docs here

Running the OpenMCT Webserver

  • To run the Django backend: navigate to the postgresDB folder and run python runserver
  • In a new terminal, navigate to the ground-station-openmct folder and run npm install and then npm start