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Supports a wide range of compression algorithms mainly used in video games, like LZSS, LZ10, LZ11, MIO0, YAZ0, YAY0, PRS and more.


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AuroraLib.Compression is a high-performance, memory-efficient library for a broad range of compression algorithms primarily used in video games. Designed for seamless use across multiple .NET versions. Written entirely in managed C#, it eliminates the need for external C++ libraries while offering fast decompression and compression.

Supported Algorithms


NuGet Package

Algorithm Description
LZ10 Nintendo LZ10 compression used in various GBA, DS and WII games.
LZ11 Nintendo LZ11 compression used in various DS and WII games.
LZ77 Nintendo LZ77 based on LZ10 used in WII games and data.
MIO0* Nintendo MIO0 compression mainly used in early Nintendo 64 games.
Yay0* Nintendo YAY0 compression used in some Nintendo 64 and GameCube games.
Yaz0* Nintendo Yaz0 compression used in games from the N64 to Switch era.
Yaz1* Identical to Yaz0 used for data on the N64DD.
HUF20 Nintendo Huffman compression algorithm, mainly used in GBA and DS games.
RLE30 Nintendo RLE compression algorithm used in GBA games.
PRS* Sega PRS compression algorithm used in various Sega games.
ALLZ Aqualead LZ compression algorithm used by a handful of games.
LZO Lempel–Ziv–Oberhumer algorithm, focused on decompression speed
LZOn Nintendo LZOn compression algorithm mainly used in DS Download Games.
RefPack RefPack compression algorithm used in some EA games.
GZip GZip based on DEFLATE compression algorithm.
ZLib ZLib based on DEFLATE compression algorithm.

* Big-endian and little-endian version are supported.


NuGet Package

Algorithm Description
LZ40 Nintendo LZ40 compression mainly used in DS games.
LZ60 Nintendo LZ60 corresponds to LZ40 algorithm.
HWGZ* Hyrule Warriors GZ compression format based on ZLib.
LZSega A LZSS based compression algorithm used in some Sega GameCube games.
CNX2 Sega CNX2 algorithm, used in some Puyo Puyo.
COMP Sega COMP based on LZ11 algorithm, used in some Puyo Puyo.
CXLZ Sega CXLZ based on LZ10 algorithm, used in some Puyo Puyo.
LZ00 Sega LZ00 is based on LZSS algorithm with encryption.
LZ01 Sega LZ01 based on LZSS algorithm, used in some Puyo Puyo.
AKLZ A LZSS based algorithm used in Skies of Arcadia Legends.
CNS CNS compression algorithm, used in Games from Red Entertainment.
CLZ0 CLZ0 compression algorithm, used in Games from Victor Interactive Software.
FCMP FCMP based on LZSS algorithm, used in Muramasa The Demon Blade.
GCLZ GCLZ based on LZ10 algorithm, used in Pandora's Tower.
LZ02 LZ02 compression algorithm used in Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour.
LZHudson A LZSS based compression algorithm used in Mario Party 4-7.
RLHudson A RLE based compression algorithm used in Mario Party 4-7.
LZShrek LZShrek compression algorithm used in Shrek Super Slam.
LZSS LZSS compression algorithm used in many games.
AsuraZlb AsuraZlb based on ZLib compression algorithm used in Simpsons The Game.
ZLB ZLB based on ZLib compression algorithm used in Star Fox Adventures.
LZ4 LZ4 is similar to LZO focused on decompression speed.
MDF0 Konami MDF0 based on ZLib used in Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth.
Level5 Level5 compression algorithm, mainly used in Level5 3ds games.
SSZL Level5 SSZL algorithm base on LZSS, used in Inazuma Eleven 3.
IECP IECP algorithm base on LZSS, used in Fate/Extra.

* Big-endian and little-endian version are supported.


How To Use

Decompress a File Using a Specific Algorithm

    using FileStream source = new("input.dat", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
    using FileStream destination = new("output.dat", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None);
    new LZSS().Decompress(source, destination);

Compress a File Using a Specific Algorithm

    using FileStream source = new("input.dat", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
    using FileStream destination = new("output.dat", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None);
    new LZSS().Compress(source, destination);

Check If a File Matches a Specific Compression Algorithm

    using FileStream source = new("input.dat", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
    bool canDecompressed = new LZSS().IsMatch(source);

Configure an Compression Encoder

    Yaz0 encoder = new Yaz0
        FormatByteOrder = Endian.Big,  // Use big-endian byte order
        LookAhead = false              // Disable look-ahead optimization

Automatically Detect and Decompress Using a Recognized Algorithm

    FormatDictionary formats = new FormatDictionary(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies());

    using FileStream source = new("input.dat", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
    ReadOnlySpan<char> fileName = Path.GetFileName("input.dat");

    if (formats.Identify(source, fileName, out IFormatInfo format) && format.Class != null)
        var decoder = format.CreateInstance();
        if (decoder is ICompressionDecoder compressionDecoder)
            using Stream destination = compressionDecoder.Decompress(source);
            // Use the decompressed stream as needed


  • Nickworonekin Puyo Tools inspired the LZ Decode and Encode code and reference for CNX2, LZ00, LZ01, LZ10, LZ11, PRS algorithms.
  • Haruhiko Okumura reference his original C implementation of the LZSS algorithm.
  • Daniel-McCarthy reference for MIO0, YAZ0, YAY0 algorithm.
  • Kuriimu reference for HUF20 algorithm.
  • reference for RefPack algorithm.
  • Sukharah reference for CLZ0 algorithm.
  • Gamemasterplc reference for LZHudson algorithm.
  • KirbyUK reference for LZShrek algorithm.
  • Brolijah reference for ALLZ algorithm.thm.
  • CUE reference for LZ40 algorithm.


Supports a wide range of compression algorithms mainly used in video games, like LZSS, LZ10, LZ11, MIO0, YAZ0, YAY0, PRS and more.








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