AuroraLib.Compression is a high-performance, memory-efficient library for a broad range of compression algorithms primarily used in video games. Designed for seamless use across multiple .NET versions. Written entirely in managed C#, it eliminates the need for external C++ libraries while offering fast decompression and compression.
Algorithm | Description |
LZ10 | Nintendo LZ10 compression used in various GBA, DS and WII games. |
LZ11 | Nintendo LZ11 compression used in various DS and WII games. |
LZ77 | Nintendo LZ77 based on LZ10 used in WII games and data. |
MIO0* | Nintendo MIO0 compression mainly used in early Nintendo 64 games. |
Yay0* | Nintendo YAY0 compression used in some Nintendo 64 and GameCube games. |
Yaz0* | Nintendo Yaz0 compression used in games from the N64 to Switch era. |
Yaz1* | Identical to Yaz0 used for data on the N64DD. |
HUF20 | Nintendo Huffman compression algorithm, mainly used in GBA and DS games. |
RLE30 | Nintendo RLE compression algorithm used in GBA games. |
PRS* | Sega PRS compression algorithm used in various Sega games. |
ALLZ | Aqualead LZ compression algorithm used by a handful of games. |
LZO | Lempel–Ziv–Oberhumer algorithm, focused on decompression speed |
LZOn | Nintendo LZOn compression algorithm mainly used in DS Download Games. |
RefPack | RefPack compression algorithm used in some EA games. |
GZip | GZip based on DEFLATE compression algorithm. |
ZLib | ZLib based on DEFLATE compression algorithm. |
Big-endian and little-endian version are supported.
Algorithm | Description |
LZ40 | Nintendo LZ40 compression mainly used in DS games. |
LZ60 | Nintendo LZ60 corresponds to LZ40 algorithm. |
HWGZ* | Hyrule Warriors GZ compression format based on ZLib. |
LZSega | A LZSS based compression algorithm used in some Sega GameCube games. |
CNX2 | Sega CNX2 algorithm, used in some Puyo Puyo. |
COMP | Sega COMP based on LZ11 algorithm, used in some Puyo Puyo. |
CXLZ | Sega CXLZ based on LZ10 algorithm, used in some Puyo Puyo. |
LZ00 | Sega LZ00 is based on LZSS algorithm with encryption. |
LZ01 | Sega LZ01 based on LZSS algorithm, used in some Puyo Puyo. |
AKLZ | A LZSS based algorithm used in Skies of Arcadia Legends. |
CNS | CNS compression algorithm, used in Games from Red Entertainment. |
CLZ0 | CLZ0 compression algorithm, used in Games from Victor Interactive Software. |
FCMP | FCMP based on LZSS algorithm, used in Muramasa The Demon Blade. |
GCLZ | GCLZ based on LZ10 algorithm, used in Pandora's Tower. |
LZ02 | LZ02 compression algorithm used in Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour. |
LZHudson | A LZSS based compression algorithm used in Mario Party 4-7. |
RLHudson | A RLE based compression algorithm used in Mario Party 4-7. |
LZShrek | LZShrek compression algorithm used in Shrek Super Slam. |
LZSS | LZSS compression algorithm used in many games. |
AsuraZlb | AsuraZlb based on ZLib compression algorithm used in Simpsons The Game. |
ZLB | ZLB based on ZLib compression algorithm used in Star Fox Adventures. |
LZ4 | LZ4 is similar to LZO focused on decompression speed. |
MDF0 | Konami MDF0 based on ZLib used in Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth. |
Level5 | Level5 compression algorithm, mainly used in Level5 3ds games. |
SSZL | Level5 SSZL algorithm base on LZSS, used in Inazuma Eleven 3. |
IECP | IECP algorithm base on LZSS, used in Fate/Extra. |
Big-endian and little-endian version are supported.
using FileStream source = new("input.dat", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
using FileStream destination = new("output.dat", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None);
new LZSS().Decompress(source, destination);
using FileStream source = new("input.dat", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
using FileStream destination = new("output.dat", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None);
new LZSS().Compress(source, destination);
using FileStream source = new("input.dat", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
bool canDecompressed = new LZSS().IsMatch(source);
Yaz0 encoder = new Yaz0
FormatByteOrder = Endian.Big, // Use big-endian byte order
LookAhead = false // Disable look-ahead optimization
FormatDictionary formats = new FormatDictionary(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies());
using FileStream source = new("input.dat", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
ReadOnlySpan<char> fileName = Path.GetFileName("input.dat");
if (formats.Identify(source, fileName, out IFormatInfo format) && format.Class != null)
var decoder = format.CreateInstance();
if (decoder is ICompressionDecoder compressionDecoder)
using Stream destination = compressionDecoder.Decompress(source);
// Use the decompressed stream as needed
- Nickworonekin Puyo Tools inspired the LZ Decode and Encode code and reference for CNX2, LZ00, LZ01, LZ10, LZ11, PRS algorithms.
- Haruhiko Okumura reference his original C implementation of the LZSS algorithm.
- Daniel-McCarthy reference for MIO0, YAZ0, YAY0 algorithm.
- Kuriimu reference for HUF20 algorithm.
- reference for RefPack algorithm.
- Sukharah reference for CLZ0 algorithm.
- Gamemasterplc reference for LZHudson algorithm.
- KirbyUK reference for LZShrek algorithm.
- Brolijah reference for ALLZ algorithm.thm.
- CUE reference for LZ40 algorithm.