CLI tool for downloading tiles from Dynmap HTTP server and merging them into one image.
.\DynmapImageExport <command> <url> [arguments] [options]
a, about Show info about application
list, ls <url> Show available worlds and maps
i, info <url> <world> <map> Show info about map
m, merge <url> <world> <map> <point> Merge dynmap to image
<url> Dynmap URL
<world> World name
<map> Map name
<point> Point of map [x,y,z] [default: <center of world>]
-p, --padding <padding> Padding in tiles [all]|[vert,horz]|[top,right,bottom,left] [default: [2,2,2,2]]
-z, --zoom <zoom> Zoom
-o, --output <output> Output path
-f, --format <JPEG|PNG|WEBP> Format
-nc, --no-cache Ignore cached tiles
-t, --threads <threads> Number of threads
-t, --trace Write trace log
-?, -h, --help Show help and usage information
- Install .NET
- Download latest release
First see available worlds and maps
> .\DynmapImageExport list <url> Example: > .\DynmapImageExport ls List for: Available worlds and maps ├── world - Верхний мир │ ├── flat Плоский │ └── se_view 3D юго-восток ...
Then available zoom levels
> .\DynmapImageExport info <url> <world> <map> Example: > .\DynmapImageExport i world flat Info for: - world - flat World: world - Верхний мир Map: flat - Плоский Perspective: iso_S_90_lowres PPB: 4 Zoom levels ├── 0 - 4:1 ├── 1 - 2:1 ├── 2 - 1:1 ├── 3 - 1:2 ├── 4 - 1:4 ├── 5 - 1:8 └── 6 - 1:16
Create an image
> .\DynmapImageExport merge <url> <world> <map> [<point>...] [options] Example: > .\DynmapImageExport m world flat [0,100,0] -p [6,6,5,5] -z 2
Used arguments:
- Dynmap HTTP serverworld
- World nameflat
- Map name[0,100,0]
- Minecraft coordinates of point.-p [6,6,5,5]
- Padding in tiles from points. 6 to top, 6 to right, 5 to bottom, 5 to left.
This will produce 12x12 tiles image(1536x1536 in pixels)-z 2
- Zoom level. 1:1 scale in this example.
- Executing without arguments will launch in interactive mode
- Default point is center of world
- Default zoom is 1:1 scale (i.e. 1 block to 1 pixel)
- Size of 10Kpx X 10Kpx image ~= 150MB; 20Kpx X 20Kpx ~= 450MB
You can provide any number of points. They will be combined into a region. Padding will be added to the resulting region.
- 2 in each direction[2,3]
- 2 to top and bottom, 3 to right and left[2,3,2,2]
- 2 to top, 3 to right, 2 to bottom, 2 to left
One point with padding [1,2,3,2]
.\DynmapImageExport m world flat -p [5,5,5,5] -z 2
.\DynmapImageExport m world se_view -p [5,11,5,10] -z 0