This is a project with minimal use case of a controller and test case. The repository is used in a CICD pipeline with Jenkins and Ansible -- good for usages of ansible like ansible tower
How to start ? username password - root root sudo systemctl start jenkins
springboot test
do not build manually
push to git branch - two cases push with test cases - success push without test cases - not success
build - run tests - run integration tests - sonarcube analysis - everything works fine ? upload image on nexus - Ansible reads the image and deploys on which env(dev,int,prod) ----ansible ---ansible docker container ---------install python3.8 ---- docker desktop ----------------- sonarqube on centons7 guide You wont be able to run sonar with root user. You will have to create a user for that. Menitoned in the guide above. Also remeber to provide all folder permissins to this user. for more : doesn't work with java8. Use java11 : Install this plugin on github which will connect sonar servers to your git - SonarQube Scanner plugin -- http://localhost:9000/documentation/analysis/jenkins/ sonar with jenkins pipeline : --- ansible on centos installation and setup Add connection:local for no ssh on localhost run jar by ansible --
jenkins with ansible in windows ? springboot unittest and integraiton test sonarcube integration nexus repository ci
ansible cd
could have been done with docker where we push images to dockerhuib email on build fails ask for deployment on which envs ?
jenkins **** vivek sinless1@
sonarqube user sonar password
user centos sonar password
sonarqube server admin sonar
git client secret - f248e38b1cfa47414504bac43d99a65baae33990
token to check in - 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
sonarqube token for git credrential integration
Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:3.2.0:resources (default-resources) on project cicd: The plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:3.2.0 requires Maven version 3.1.0
Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:3.2.0:resources (default-resources) on project cicd: The plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:3.2.0 requires Maven version 3.1.0 ->
Mailer plugin to setup mail services - Mailer Plugin doc link - difference - medium link for UI setup -
Ansible with Jenkins had a few bugs on Windows. Works with all Linux system though. I am using Centos, we can use any other Linux distributed OS. Should be fine.
After creating a jar -> upload the jar to nexus repository-> Now Ansible picks that jar -> Deploys it on our server -> triggers a jar start on server.
Sonarqube Analysis needs some work - Test case coverage needs to be setup using
jecko(most used as far as I know, need to re-check ?). The advantage for this is -
for any feature one is merging to tetc-dev branch, if the code coverage is less than
80% the merge request will fail because Jenkins while building that branch will fail it.
This rule needs to be configured in Sonarqube piepeline.
(Need to read blogs, easily achievable though - 16-48 hours max)
Use CICD Blue Ocean pipeline because what I am using is legacy UI
Instead of choosing the environment to deploy in at the beginning, why not make this a series of steps . Like : clone -> build -> deploy dev-> deploy uat -> deploy prod But this would not make sense for common branches. Makes sense for UAT or PROD branch.
The servers keeps changing. So Jenkins,python, java, sonarqube installation & setup in a docker image. Saves time, and makes the system fault tolerant.
Need to work on running server, and exiting the build without terminating the server.