Macro magic for a "reactive" urls / browser history.
//Define the set of "Screens" the app has
sealed trait Screen
case object IndexScreen extends Screen
case object AboutScreen extends Screen
case object UsersScreen extends Screen
case class ProfileScreen(user: User) extends Screen
object Demo extends js.JSApp with routerx.implicits.Defaults {
//Macro Magic
val router = Router.generate[Screen](IndexScreen)
//and router is now bound to the browser history api :)
private lazy val current: Rx[Frag] = Rx {
router.current() match {
case IndexScreen => screens.Index.screen()
case AboutScreen => screens.About.screen()
case UsersScreen => screens.Users.screen()
case ProfileScreen(user) => screens.Profile.screen(user)
lazy val view = {
def main(): Unit = {
"com.stabletechs" %%% "routerx" % "1.1.1"
Route.rx is currently only compiled for Scala.js 0.6+
##Browser Only This library manipulates the browser history object through the JavaScript API. In order to make the app behave as if each screen really was its own "webpage", the server must route the urls properly to the app, and the app needs to read the url basically at page load, for example:
def main(): Unit = {
router.parseUrl(dom.window.location.pathname).flatMap { route =>
##Base trait needs to end in 'Screen' Currently, it is required that the base sealed trait end with the word "Screen". The URL string is automatically generated from that trait and its children, and the suffix "Screen" is currently hard-coded into that logic. For example:
sealed trait AdminScreen
case class UserScreen(u: User) extends AdminScreen
case object DashboardScreen extends AdminScreen
will generate "/admin/user" and "/admin/dashboard".
The logic doesn't have to be that way, so if there is interest in doing it some other way, that could be explored.
##Fragment Annotation It is possible to override part of the url generation with the @fragment annotation, for example
sealed trait AdminScreen
trait UserScreen extends AdminScreen
case object UserProfileScreen extends UserScreen
trait AccountScreen extends AdminScreen
case object AccountProfileScreen extends AccountScreen
would normally generate "/admin/user/user-profile" and "/admin/account/account-profile" as the auto generated URL, however
sealed trait AdminScreen
trait UserScreen extends AdminScreen
@fragment("profile") case object UserProfileScreen extends UserScreen
trait AccountScreen extends AdminScreen
@fragment("profile") case object AccountProfileScreen extends AccountScreen
will generate "/admin/user/profile" and "/admin/account/profile" instead.
##UrlPart Typeclass In the examples, there are instances of case classes (eg User) that occur in the Screen trait hierarchy - while these can be arbitrary case classes, this works through the use of a "UrlPart" Typeclass, which defines how to map an arbitrary case class to/from the URL representation.
The typeclass itself is defined as
trait UrlPart[T] {
val size: Int
def toParts(inp: T): List[String]
def fromParts(parts: List[String])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[T]
Often, these case classes will have something like a UserId, in the case of a User object and the mapping might look something like this (using autowire as an example of retrieving a User object from the server):
implicit val UserUrlPart = new UrlPart[User] {
override val size = 1
override def toParts(inp: User): List[String] = List(inp.userId.toString)
override def fromParts(parts: List[String])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[User] = parts match {
case id :: Nil => API[Public].users.fetchUser(UserId(id.toLong).call()
With this implicit in scope, any "Screen" trait can take as a parameter a User object and have it mapped appropriately. Note that normally Route.rx uses upickle to cache the screen object directly in the Browser using the history API, which means that fromParts is pretty much only called in the event of a page load as described above. This means the for rapid prototyping it is often very convenient to skip fromParts:
implicit val UserUrlPart = new UrlPart[User] {
override val size = 1
override def toParts(inp: User): List[String] = List(inp.userId.toString)
override def fromParts(parts: List[String])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[User] = ???
Just note that doing so will cause a run time error if the user tries to navigate directly (ie copy/paste) to a URL that depends on that typeclass.