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dzalkind committed Dec 4, 2023
2 parents a893d08 + d77fafd commit 0832e57
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Showing 8 changed files with 12,563 additions and 9,638 deletions.
1,180 changes: 1,180 additions & 0 deletions examples/OC3spar-SlenderBodyQTF.yaml

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

1,177 changes: 1,177 additions & 0 deletions examples/OC3spar-WAMITQTF.yaml

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions examples/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
# example script for running RAFT with QTFs precomputed with a frequency-domain hydrodynamics code (in WAMIT format)

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import yaml
import raft
import os.path as path

# open the design YAML file and parse it into a dictionary for passing to raft
flNm = 'OC3spar-WAMITQTF'
with open('./examples/' + flNm + '.yaml') as file:
design = yaml.load(file, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)

# Create the RAFT model (will set up all model objects based on the design dict)
model = raft.Model(design)

# Evaluate the system properties and equilibrium position before loads are applied

# Compute natural frequencie

# Simule the different load cases

# Plot the power spectral densities from the load cases

# Visualize the system in its most recently evaluated mean offset position

model.saveResponses(path.join(model.fowtList[0].outFolderQTF, flNm))

# 0.02
# 12.37
39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions examples/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
# example script for running RAFT with second-order loads computed internally with the slender-body approximation based on Rainey's equation

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import yaml
import raft
import os.path as path

# open the design YAML file and parse it into a dictionary for passing to raft
flNm = 'OC3spar-SlenderBodyQTF'
with open('./examples/' + flNm + '.yaml') as file:
design = yaml.load(file, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)

# Create the RAFT model (will set up all model objects based on the design dict)
model = raft.Model(design)

# Evaluate the system properties and equilibrium position before loads are applied

# Compute natural frequencie

# Simule the different load cases

# Plot the power spectral densities from the load cases

# Visualize the system in its most recently evaluated mean offset position

# Save the response to a given output folder
outFolder = './examples/'
model.saveResponses(path.join(outFolder, flNm))

# 0.02
# 12.37
19,152 changes: 9,576 additions & 9,576 deletions examples/IEA-15-240-RWT-UMaineSemi.12d → examples/oc3_hywind.12d

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

143 changes: 142 additions & 1 deletion raft/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ def getWaveKin(zeta0, beta, w, k, h, r, nw, rho=1025.0, g=9.81):
z = r[2]

# only process wave kinematics if this node is submerged
if z < 0:
if z <= 0:

# Calculate SINH( k*( z + h ) )/SINH( k*h ) and COSH( k*( z + h ) )/SINH( k*h ) and COSH( k*( z + h ) )/COSH( k*h )
# given the wave number, k, water depth, h, and elevation z, as inputs.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -153,6 +153,147 @@ def getWaveKin(zeta0, beta, w, k, h, r, nw, rho=1025.0, g=9.81):

return u, ud, pDyn

# Matrix of gradient of wave velocity
def getWaveKin_grad_u1(w, k, beta, h, r):
grad = np.zeros([3, 3], dtype="complex")
x,y,z = r[0], r[1], r[2]

# More friendly notation
cosBeta = np.cos(deg2rad(beta))
sinBeta = np.sin(deg2rad(beta))
khz_xy = 0
khz_z = 0

if z <= 0 and k > 0:
# When k*h is too high, which happens for deep water/short waves, sinh(k*h) and cosh(k*h) become too large and are considered "inf".
# Hence, we chose a threshold of 10, above which the deep water approximation is employed.
if k*h >= 10:
khz_xy = np.exp(k*z)
khz_z = khz_xy
khz_xy = np.cosh(k * (z + h)) / np.sinh(k*h)
khz_z = np.sinh(k * (z + h)) / np.sinh(k*h)

# u[0,i] = w[i]* zeta[i]*COSHNumOvrSIHNDen *np.cos(beta)
# u[1,i] = w[i]* zeta[i]*COSHNumOvrSIHNDen *np.sin(beta)
# u[2,i] = 1j*w[i]* zeta[i]*SINHNumOvrSIHNDen

# Along x direction
aux = w * cosBeta * np.exp( -1j*(k*(np.cos(beta)*r[0] + np.sin(beta)*r[1])))
grad[0,0] = -1j*aux * khz_xy * k*cosBeta # du/dx
grad[0,1] = -1j*aux * khz_xy * k*sinBeta # du/dy
grad[0,2] = aux * k * khz_z # du/dz

# Along y direction
aux = w * sinBeta * np.exp( -1j*(k*(np.cos(beta)*r[0] + np.sin(beta)*r[1])))
grad[1,0] = grad[0,1] # dv/dx = du/dy
grad[1,1] = -1j*aux * khz_xy * k*sinBeta # dv/dy
grad[1,2] = aux * k * khz_z # dv/dz

# Along z direction
aux = 1j * w * np.exp( -1j*(k*(np.cos(beta)*r[0] + np.sin(beta)*r[1])))
grad[2,0] = grad[0,2] # dw/dx = du/dz
grad[2,1] = grad[0,1] # dw/dy = dv/dz
grad[2,2] = aux * k * khz_xy # dw/dz

return grad

# Matrix of gradient of wave acceleration
def getWaveKin_grad_dudt(w, k, beta, h, r):
return 1j*w*getWaveKin_grad_u1(w, k, beta, h, r)

# Gradient of first order pressure
def getWaveKin_grad_pres1st(k, beta, h, r, rho=1025, g=9.81):
grad = np.zeros(3, dtype="complex")
z = r[2]

# More friendly notation
cosBeta = np.cos(deg2rad(beta))
sinBeta = np.sin(deg2rad(beta))
khz_xy = 0
khz_z = 0

if z <= 0 and k > 0:
# When k*h is too high, which happens for deep water/short waves, sinh(k*h) and cosh(k*h) become too large and are considered "inf".
# Hence, we chose a threshold of 10, above which the deep water approximation is employed.
if k*h >= 10:
khz_xy = np.exp(k*z)
khz_z = khz_xy
khz_xy = np.cosh(k * (z + h)) / np.cosh(k*h)
khz_z = np.sinh(k * (z + h)) / np.cosh(k*h)

grad[0] = rho*g*khz_xy*np.exp(-1j*(k*(cosBeta*r[0] + sinBeta*r[1])))*(-1j*k*cosBeta)
grad[1] = rho*g*khz_xy*np.exp(-1j*(k*(cosBeta*r[0] + sinBeta*r[1])))*(-1j*k*sinBeta)
grad[2] = rho*g*khz_z *np.exp(-1j*(k*(cosBeta*r[0] + sinBeta*r[1])))*k
return grad

# Axial-divergence acceleration
def getWaveKin_axdivAcc(w1, w2, k1, k2, beta1, beta2, h, r, vel1, vel2, q, g=9.81):
acc = np.zeros(3, dtype=complex)

aux = np.matmul(getWaveKin_grad_u1(w1, k1, beta1, h, r), q)
dwdz1 =, np.squeeze(q))
u1, _, _ = getWaveKin(np.ones([1,1]), beta1, w1*np.ones([1,1]), k1*np.ones([1,1]), h, r, 1, rho=1025.0, g=g)
u1 = np.squeeze(u1)

aux = np.matmul(getWaveKin_grad_u1(w2, k2, beta2, h, r), q)
dwdz2 =, np.squeeze(q))
u2, _, _ = getWaveKin(np.ones([1,1]), beta2, w2*np.ones([1,1]), k2*np.ones([1,1]), h, r, 1, rho=1025.0, g=g)
u2 = np.squeeze(u2)

vel1 -=, q) * q
vel2 -=, q) * q
u1 -=, q) * q
u2 -=, q) * q

acc = 0.25*(dwdz1*np.conj(u2 - vel2)+np.conj(dwdz2)*(u1 - vel1))

# There can't be any axial-divergence acceleration in the axial direction
acc -=, q) * q

return acc

# Acceleration and pressure due to second-order potential
def getWaveKin_pot2ndOrd(w1, w2, k1, k2, beta1, beta2, h, r, g=9.81, rho=1025.0):
acc = np.zeros(3, dtype=complex)
p = 0+0j

if w1 == w2: # The difference-frequency second-order potential does not contribute to the mean forces
return acc, p

b1 = deg2rad(beta1)
cosB1 = np.cos(b1)
sinB1 = np.sin(b1)

b2 = deg2rad(beta2)
cosB2 = np.cos(b2)
sinB2 = np.sin(b2)

z = r[2]

if (z <= 0 and k1 > 0 and k2 > 0):
k1_k2 = np.array([k1 * cosB1 - k2 * cosB2, k1 * sinB1 - k2 * sinB2, 0])
norm_k1_k2 = np.linalg.norm(k1_k2)

gamma_12 = (-1j*g/(2*w1)) * ( (k1**2)*(1-np.tanh(k1*h)**2) - 2*k1*k2*(1+np.tanh(k1*h)*np.tanh(k2*h)) ) / ((w1-w2)**2/g - norm_k1_k2*np.tanh(norm_k1_k2*h))
gamma_21 = (-1j*g/(2*w2)) * ( (k2**2)*(1-np.tanh(k2*h)**2) - 2*k2*k1*(1+np.tanh(k2*h)*np.tanh(k1*h)) ) / ((w2-w1)**2/g - norm_k1_k2*np.tanh(norm_k1_k2*h))
aux = 0.5*(gamma_21+np.conj(gamma_12))

khz_xy = np.cosh(norm_k1_k2 * (z + h)) / np.cosh(norm_k1_k2 * h)
khz_z = np.sinh(norm_k1_k2 * (z + h)) / np.cosh(norm_k1_k2 * h)

acc[0:2] = aux * khz_xy * np.exp(-1j*, r))
acc[0] *= (w1 - w2) * (k1 * cosB1 - k2 * cosB2)
acc[1] *= (w1 - w2) * (k1 * sinB1 - k2 * sinB2)

acc[2] = aux * khz_z * np.exp(-1j*, r))
acc[2] *= 1j * (w1 - w2) * norm_k1_k2

p = aux * khz_xy * np.exp(-1j*, r))
p *= -1j * rho * (w1 - w2)
return acc, p

# calculate wave number based on wave frequency in rad/s and depth
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