An app that retrieves and stores information about movies
- Use the OMDb API to fetch information about movies
- Increase efficiency by limiting the number of times the API is queried
- Use Signals, Celery and Redis to improve the overall scalability & performance
- Include a small demo module to connect to the GitHub API to😀!
Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run migrations
python migrate
To use this app you need an API key obtained by free at Once you have a key, it’s passed in the URL as the apikey parameter. Note: Free keys are limited to 1,000 requests per day.
For example, this is how you use your key by loading it from an environment variable
import os
import requests
params = {"apikey": os.environ["DJANGO_OMDB_KEY"], "t": "ben stiller"}
resp = requests.get("", params=params)
# URL called:<key>&t=ben+stiller
running django
python runserver
also run Celery in another terminal
celery -A course4_proj worker -l DEBUG