TypeScript multi-stack AWS CDK app for managing the AWS Management account for the West Michigan AWS Users Group.
- Sso
- Creates the AWS SSO resources for the WMAUG Management account.
- Creates and defines permissions for groups.
- Assigns groups to permission sets
- Creates the AWS SSO resources for the WMAUG Management account.
- Scp
- Stack containing SCPs for the WMAUG org.
- Deny the creation of access keys
- Deny the deployment of resources in any region other than us-east-1 and us-east-2
- Stack containing SCPs for the WMAUG org.
npx cdk deploy Sso --parameters instanceArnParam="arn:aws:sso:::instance/ssoins-123456789abcdefg"
--parameters wmaugManagementAccountNumberParam="123456789abcd"
--parameters wmaugModeratorAccountNumberParam="123456789abcd"
--parameters wmaugModeratorAdminGroupId="12345678-1234-1234-1234-abcdefghijkl"
--parameters wmaugFullAdminGroupId="12345678-1234-1234-1234-abcdefghijkl"
npx cdk deploy Scp