- This is a boilerplate that includes react setup with webpack from scratch and integration of typescript, eslint and redux with best practices, This boilerplate includes enviornment awareness with a support for both development spinup and production spinup
- ErrorBoundary component for tracking all the errors and sending to backend for maintaining a logger file (./src/ErrorLogger/ErrorLogger.tsx)
- Environment variable setup with best practice.
- Network layer is handled by react-query.
- There is no need to import React in files that uses JSX.
- npm run start ( spin up webpack server )
- npm run build ( builds production build and run postbuild command )
- npm run checkPackageUpdate ( runs npm-check -u for all possible updates in package.json )
Production build includes the following optimization :-
- cache busting ✅
- code obfuscation Plugin ✅
- js minification ✅
- chunk spliting ✅ ( Two possible ways )
- Html optimization ✅
- Css optmization ✅
- Extract css per chunk into its own file
- Minify it
- Tree shaking ( dead code elemination )
- Gzipped, Furthur read ✅
- Brotlie Compression ✅
Development build includes the following :-
- More human readable webpack dev server ✅
- Better error representation ( Like create-react-app, Plugin)
babel-loader : bable-loader transpiles our js/ts code
babel presets that webpack uses for successfully parsing react(jsx), js and ts code presets (set of plugins) used are as follows, furthur read on presets ✅
- @babel/preset-env
- @babel/preset-react: Adds support for jsx, furthur read
- @babel/preset-typescript: There are several ways to compile your TypeScript projects nowadays. You can use a vanilla call to tsc to just convert everything to .js files, or you can use a build tool like webpack and use a TypeScript loader like ts-loader or Babels @babel/preset-typescript In this boilerplate we are using ts-loader as we need typechecks at build time which is not done by @bable/preset-typescript, furtur read
ts-loader : Used to compile Ts
url-loader & svg-url-loader : both convert jpg|png and svg into base64 respectively