Android 8+
Android Device or Android Simulator
Modify google Map Key in Manifest
Input Your ID -
Input Your Password -
Login Button
Register Button
1.Enter the ID you want.
2.Confirm ID duplication
3.Enter the password you want
4.Confirm Password
5.Register Button
1.FIND ME Button
It shows your location and the corona patient's movement.
If the user is caught in the corona, go to the activity to check the medical certificate to put it on the patient's movement Database.
Check the user's location every 10 minutes, and if the user exists within 500 meters around the corona patient movement,
Send a push alarm.
1.Select medical Certificate image
Select a medical certificate from the gallery.
2.Upload Image to FireStorage(Unimplemented)
Send user's certificate to Firebase Storage. The manager checks the authenticity of the medical certificate and uploads the movement to the patient database[Unimplemented]. In the future, this function can be replaced by the vision API.But now It goes directly to the database without checking for authenticity.
[Result Image]
for uploaded data, map is marked with pins shows the route of confirmers, appearing with different color depending on date.