cd bulak-smart-connect-js
npm install (optional)
npm run dev
cd bsc-js-backend
npm install or npm i -g @nestjs/cli (optional)
npm run start
Test at http://localhost:3000/
npm install -g firebase-tools (can be skipped)
cd bsc-js-backend
firebase login
firebase init emulators or firebase init (can be skipped)
firebase emulators:start
Test at
install Java JDK from and or
serviceAccountKey.json was ignored on git so if needed, just get it on our secure channel and put it on bsc-js-backend\src\config
npm run dev on the frontend folder now runs concurrently, meaning React, NestJs, & Firebase Emulator runs simultaneously
If you want to run it on its default behavior, go to package.json on the folder, C:\Users\YuKARLO15\Desktop\Programming_Codes\Bulak-Smart-Connect-JS\bulak-smart-connect-js and change the dev under the scripts into "dev": "vite",
cd bulak-smart-connect-js
npm run dev: will run React, NestJS (0n Dev Mode), and Firebase Emulator concurrently
npm run start-frontend: will run React only
npm run start-backend: will run NestJS (On Dev Mode) only
npm run start-emulators: will run Firebase Emulators only
npm run build: vite build
npm run lint: eslint
npm run preview: vite preview
To further see other options, just enter "npm run" to see options for React and Concurrently
For more options to run (mostly for Backend):
cd bsc-js-backend
npm run start: to start NestJS normally
firebase emulators:start: to start Firebase emulator
To further see other options, just enter "npm run" to see options for NestJS or "firebase" to see options for Firebase.