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Input overlay plugin for OBS. Supported systems: Windows 10 x64



  1. Download latest release here:
  2. Unzip it to any location you want

Basic usage

  1. Run Zergatul.Obs.InputOverlay.exe, and keep it open while you want to use input overlay in OBS
  2. In OBS, add Source 🡒 Browser.
    • URL: http://localhost:5001/default-keyboard.html
    • Width: 600, Height: 360. Use can expiriment with another values
    • Check Use custom framerate, and set FPS to 30. You can set it to 60, but please check Performance issues page first.
    • Check Shutdown source when not visible. This will allow you to hide/show source after you restarted the server
    • Do the same for mouse: URL: http://localhost:5001/default-mouse.html, Width: 250, Height: 350
    • Or gamepad: URL: http://localhost:5001/XBoxSeriesX-XInput.html, Width: 1000, Height: 1000. (XBoxSeriesX doesn't mean your gamepad should be this, it is should work with any XInput compatible gamepads, details in Gamepads)
    • Other modules

keyboard source

Advanced usage

  1. If you are running server application without elevated priviledges, it will not be able to detect your inputs from applications running under administrator. Example: I have game started from Steam, and command prompt, running as Administrator. Server will be able to detect inputs in game, but will show nothing when I type something in command prompt.
  2. You can show more keys, change style, colors, animations if you are familiar with HTML and CSS. Check wwwroot folder within application folder. It contains HTML, CSS and JavaScript files. You can get all supported key names from KeyboardButton.cs file.
  3. Customizing mouse/gamepad.
  4. If you need to restart server application, you will need to hide sources in OBS, and show them again.
  5. If you want to play on one PC, and run OBS on another you need to run executable with parameter: --urls http://<IP address>:<port>/. IP address should be local network address of PC where you play game and run executable. You can choose port whatever you like, but it is better not use ports lower than 1000. If you have firewall make sure you opened incoming TCP port. Example: Zergatul.Obs.InputOverlay.exe --urls If everything is fine, you should see in the log: Now listening on: If you create .bat or link file for this, make sure you don't mess up with current directory. Check Content root path log record. It should point to the same directory as executable. This is where application looks for wwwroot directory.
  6. Using multiple gamepads.


If you encounter any problems with running Browser Source in OBS, you can open keyboard/mouse URL's in your browser and check for errors in developer console. In <style> element uncomment line: background-color: black;. Now open URL in your browser with Developer Tools opened (usually this is F12 key). Don't forget to comment out this line again if you start using overlay in OBS. Sometimes browser source in OBS caches styles, you can use Refresh cache of current page button.

Build application from sources

You can open solution file in Visual Studio 2022. Program is written in C#, by using ASP.NET Core for web server. Use Build -> Publish menu option to create self-contained package. You can also build it by using .NET CLI. Download .NET 6.0 SDK, go to src directory and run from command prompt: dotnet publish -c Release -p:PublishProfile=FolderProfile