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Test it

npm install
npm run test-board

Then you can just modify the test/full-game/game3.json file to change the boards initial compositions.

Get a board state from the app

Look for the MainWindow.html.log file located in %localappdata%\Overwolf\Log\Apps\Firestone. Do a search for [bgs-simulation] battle simulation request prepared, and this line should log the full JSON that you can use as an input (typically, this is what you put in the game3.json file referenced above).

Check a simulation output

You first need to download, build and run a local instance of Coliseum

Then, at the end of the test (e.g. full-test.test mentioned above), add / uncomment these lines:

const sample = simulationResult.outcomeSamples.lost[0];
const base64 = encode(JSON.stringify(sample));

(using won or tied instead of lost if that's what you're looking for).

A big base64 string will be output to the console.

Copy it, and open a new tab in your navigator at the following URL: file:///<path_to_your_coliseum_repo>/dist/index.html?bgsSimulation=<the_big_base64_string. It will then replay the simulation.


npm run build && npm run package && npm run deploy

rm -rf dist && tsc && rm -rf dist/node_modules && 'cp' -rf dist/ /e/Source/zerotoheroes/firestone/node_modules/\@firestone-hs/simulate-bgs-battle/
rm -rf dist && tsc && rm -rf dist/node_modules && 'cp' -rf dist/ /e/Source/zerotoheroes/coliseum/node_modules/\@firestone-hs/simulate-bgs-battle/
rm -rf dist && tsc && rm -rf dist/node_modules && 'cp' -rf dist/ /e/Source/zerotoheroes/firestone-libs/node_modules/\@firestone-hs/simulate-bgs-battle/
rm -rf dist && tsc && rm -rf dist/node_modules && npm publish


To profile a Node.js application using Chrome's DevTools, you can use the --inspect and --inspect-brk flags when running your script. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Run your script with the --inspect-brk flag. This will start the inspector and pause execution until you connect with the debugger.
node --inspect-brk -r ts-node/register test/full-game/full-test.ts
  1. Open Chrome and navigate to chrome://inspect.
  2. Click on the "Open dedicated DevTools for Node" link. This will open a new DevTools window.
  3. In the DevTools window, click on the "Performance" tab.
  4. Click on the "Start" button to start profiling.
  5. Once your script finishes executing, go back to the DevTools window and click on the "Stop" button to stop profiling.
  6. You can now analyze the CPU profile in the DevTools window.

Remember to replace node with npx ts-node if you're using TypeScript without compiling to JavaScript first.


Used this project as template:


Some things are not done yet:

  • Some edge cases about minions spawning order, which won't be tackled for now
  • There's no guide on how to use it (either as a standalone package or via an API). Ping me if you'd like to use it


An API to run a simulator for Hearthstone Battlegrounds






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Contributors 3
