aws s3 cp ./src/hs-achievements.json s3:// --acl public-read
aws s3 cp ./src/card-backs.json s3:// --acl public-read
# I now upload to a zipped endpoint from the pipeline
# aws s3 cp ./src/deck-templates.json s3:// --acl public-read
aws s3 cp ./src/tavern-brawls.json s3:// --acl public-read
aws s3 cp ./src/mercenaries/ s3:// --recursive --acl public-read
aws s3 cp ./src/cards/ s3:// --recursive --acl public-read
aws s3 cp ./src/cards/ s3:// --recursive --acl public-read
Generate the card back data from the Blizzard API, eg
rm -rf dist && tsc && rm -rf dist/node_modules && npm publish --access public
rm -rf dist && tsc && rm -rf dist/node_modules && 'cp' -rf dist/ /e/Source/zerotoheroes/firestone/core/node_modules/@firestone-hs/reference-data/