This is an implementation of the UNREAL agent described in Sim-Real Joint Reinforcement Transfer for 3D Indoor Navigation
by Zhu et al. 2019 for use with the MINOS environment multimodal indoor simulator. This implementation is directly adaptated from with a thin gym wrapper around the MINOS framework. The original implementation file is here. This code also implements the A3C and A3C-LSTM baseline agents (as ablations of the full UNREAL agent -- see
for relevant flags).
Follow OUR MINOS installation instructions. Confirm that the minos package is available by running python3 -c 'import minos; print(minos)'
Checkout git branch minos/train and unreal/master
Start experiments using invocations such as the following:
python3 --env_type indoor --env_name roomgoal_suncg_sf
Refer to
for available arguments that control the hyperparameters and agent architecture.
Refer to adda
Checkout git branch unreal/mimic for policy mimic.
Set paths in code and run:
python3 --env_type indoor --env_name roomgoal_mp3d_s
Checkout git branch unreal/test for testing.
python3 --env_type indoor --env_name roomgoal_mp3d_sf