I've started working on 100 Days of SwiftUI! by Paul Hudson on 05-20-2020(MM-DD-YYYY) Here the first 15 days is into Basics of Swift and later on it is completely into SwiftUI.
Eventhough i have knowledge on Swift i started(with fundamentals of the Swift programming language) this 100 Days of SwiftUI from Day 1
So, Here are my learnings
Day 1: variables, simple data types, string interpolation, arrays, dictionaries, sets, enums, operators & conditions, loops, and more loops, functions, parameters, errors, closures
Day 2: structs, properties, methods, access control, static properties, laziness, classes & inheritance, protocols, extensions, protocol extensions, optionals, unwrapping, typecasting
Day 3: Swift review
So, With this 3 days i completed first 15 days of 100 Days of SwiftUI. Till now i was very excited to learn the fundamentals of the Swift which i already learnt.
Day 4: Started learning basic structure of SwiftUI. i.e., Form, Navigation bar, state binding, views
Day 5: Reading text from the user with TextField, Pickers, Segment control
Day 6: wrapUp/revising above 2 days. Built check-splitting app.
Day 7: Done with first challenge(unit conversions)
Day 8, Day 9, Day 10: Learned about Alert, Gradient, Buttons, Images. Done with "Guess the flag". Also done with the challenge