This repository accompanies the paper "Understanding Visual Search in Graphical User Interfaces" published in International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (March, 2025).
This repository contains scripts related to:
- Generating the sample and stimuli for the controlled experiment (target, fixation cross, GUI and validation images).
- Scripts for pre-processing data from Gazepoint.
- Figures presented in the manuscript and supplement.
- Fitted Linear Mixed-Effect Models and their variants presented in the paper.
(1-3) are in Python and (4) in R.
Please download the data from:
If you want to plot Fig. 10, you also need to download the UEyes data:
Managing environments with conda
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate vsgui
There's a notebook that shows how to use the fixation data, in particular, displaying how to use the img_type
and FPOG
variables correctly.
For the experiment, you have to 1) generate a sample, 2) balance the sample (=allocate 18 images per block) and 3) generate stimuli (target, fixation cross, GUI and validation image tuples).
To generate sample:
python3 -m python.src.experiment.00_generate_sample --target_filepath="vsgui10k_targets.csv" --fixation_cross
To balance said sample:
python3 -m python.src.experiment.01_balance_sample --sample_filepath=sample/vsgui10k_sample.csv
To generate stimuli:
NOTE: Generating stimuli is the most time consuming step as 10,282*4 images need to be created. The script has an option to generate the stimuli for a set of blocks at a time (recommended).
python3 -m python.src.experiment.02_generate_stimuli --img_dir=data/vsgui10k-images --sample_filepath=output/sample/vsgui10k_sample_balanced.csv --target_filepath=data/vsgui10k_targets.csv --experiment_dir=output/experiment --font_file=<PATH TO FONT FILE> --max_block=1 --min_block=0 --balance --fixation_cross
To generate stimuli images, note that you need to pass a font file in <PATH TO FONT .ttf FILE>.
Then, search times are aggregated using:
python3 -m python.src.pre_process.01_pre_process_search_times
Coverage data is calculated using (needed for Fig. 5, this takes a while):
python3 -m python.src.pre_process.02_pre_process_coverage
Distance to targets is evaluated using (needed for Fig 12.):
python3 -m python.src.pre_process.03_get_target_found_trials
The UEyes data is pulled from a directory <UEYES_DIR>; the path in your system is defined in <untracked_config/>. Process data using:
python3 -m python.src.pre_process.ueyes.00_pre_process_ueyes
python3 -m python.src.pre_process.ueyes.01_get_dims
Factor analysis and linear mixed effect regression are done in R. NOTE: AIM Metrics are calculated prior using:
Scripts for factor analysis alongside instructions are documented in:
The LMER (and GLMER) models are presented in:
Make sure that you have run above (except stimuli generation scripts) before plotting. The scripts used to produce figures are stored in <python/plots>. Run each script to produce the desired plot. For instance,
python3 -m python.plots.fig0_graphical_abstract
Note that regression-related Figures (3, 7, 9 in main paper) are plotted via R.
Authors of the accompanying publication contributed to this project. Generative AI was used in preparing this code (Aalto AI, GPT4o, February--March 2025).
If you use VSGUI10K
in your own work, please cite:
title = {Understanding visual search in graphical user interfaces},
journal = {International Journal of Human-Computer Studies},
volume = {199},
pages = {103483},
year = {2025},
issn = {1071-5819},
doi = {},
author = {Aini Putkonen and Yue Jiang and Jingchun Zeng and Olli Tammilehto and Jussi P.P. Jokinen and Antti Oulasvirta},