An example of a React Natve TODO game with AWS Amplify. Built using the Expo client:
[X] Tasks
[x] Task scheduler
[] Advance task schedling (like start/end date)
[] Improve task scheduler's handling of existing tasks
[] Real-time user provisioning
[x] Push notifications (setup in the app)
[] Push notifications on backend
[] "Parent" relationship to other accounts
[] Coin Store (including IAP)
[] Ticket rewards
[] Detailed account screen
expo install
(in /app folder)
npm install
(in /api folder)
expo start
from within the /app
- Download nGrok and run
./ngrok http 3000
- Update the app services file (APIConfiguration.js) to point to your pulic nGrok URL (i.e.
- Run
sls offline start --stage dev
sls invoke local -f scheduleTodaysTasks
sls invoke local -f syncDatabase