Delphai is a person-to-person betting app. Users belong to groups and users can create bets where anyone/everyone in the group can make a wagered bet. Once the bet is closed, the participants in the bet set the resolution (did the predicted outcome happen or not?). Once a resolution is reached, the participants can withdraw their winnings.
This application consists of 4 components:
- UI
- Written in Nextjs (Typescript)
- Comes with a Node backend (used for OAuth and passing API calls along to the REST API)
- Written in ASP.NET Core C#
- Authentication using JWT tokens
- Flow contracts
- Written in Cadence
- Handles all the monetary transactions
- Postgres Database
Note: We are only handling the case where the user already has a Flow address for now
Note: the plan for adding members will include the member to consent to being added, but we are not implementing that now for the sake of simplicity
- Registration
- Login
- Home
- Profile
- Group
- Search proposition
- Create proposition
- View proposition
- Resolve proposition
If you want to edit the Figma diagram, open your own instance of Figma and import the PredictApp.fig file, make edits, save over it and commit.
- Bet
- Item up for making a wager on. A bet resolves to yes or no (for now) outcome upon some resolution condition
- A User's wagered amount on a predicted Outcome (also called a wagered bet)
- Resolution: The point when the bet has an outcome
- Resolution Event: The real world event that should trigger a resolution of the bet
- App Outcome: The status of the resolved bet
- True Outcome: The real world status of the resolution event
- Prediction: A user's prediction of the app outcome
- Wager: The amount of ether, USD, or prestige points in a bet per person
- User: user of the application. Is able to log in and interact with the application
- Group: Group of users that share bets and statistics. Bets are all scoped to groups
- Member: A User with membership in the Group that is participating in a given Bet. A Member may participate in that Bets through wagers and, depending on the Resolver, may vote to resolve the Bet. A member is a user in the database sense
- Commissioner: The administrator for a given Bet, typically handled by the API backend service. A Commissioner creates Bets, adds/removes Members, and sets the Resolver. The Commissioner may not bet in the Bet or vote on its resolution.
- Bet: The smart contract for the bet in the global domain sense
- Resolver: The smart contract that handles resolution conditions for the proposition smart contract
- Resolution Vote: A vote that reflects the event outcome (should trigger a proposition resolution under some condition)
- Defection?: A vote that a true outcome has not occurred
- Solidity tutorial and by example
- Solidity Tutorial from freeCodeCamp
- TechCrunch interview with Vitalik Buterin
- Ethereum Networks: The deployed software that does the blockchain thing. There's the real thing called 'Mainnet'; and 'Testnets' that offer 'faucets' to add gas to indicated accounts - could be used for our funny money
- Ethereum Development Networks: Used for local development, implementations include Ganache (part of Truffle) and Hardhat
- Interesting DAO concept that (supposedly) disincentives anti-cooperative actions. Maybe we can incorporate some of these concepts.
- Blockchain basics
- This is the best explanation of how the Bitcoin blockchain works. I've sent this video to so many people
- Decent Ethereum VM explanation
- Walkthrough simple prediction market app