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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation

adimail config files

One script setup


Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser
iex (iwr '')



Keybinding Description
gD Jump to the declaration of the symbol under the cursor.
gd Go to the definition of the symbol under the cursor.
gi Show all implementations of the symbol under the cursor.
<leader>D Go to the type definition of the symbol under the cursor.
<leader>wa Add a workspace folder to the LSP client.
<leader>wr Remove a workspace folder from the LSP client.
<leader>wl List all workspace folders currently known to the LSP client.
<leader>e Show diagnostic information in a floating window.
[d Jump to the previous diagnostic message.
]d Jump to the next diagnostic message.
<leader>q Set the list of diagnostics to the location list.
<leader>ld Same as <leader>q, set diagnostics to the location list.
<leader>qd Set diagnostics to the quickfix list.
<leader>so Open Telescope for LSP document symbols search.
<leader>sd Open Telescope to search and view diagnostics.
K Show hover documentation for the symbol under the cursor.
gf Open LSP symbol finder for the current document.
<leader>gf Open LSP symbol finder with implementation details.
gx Trigger a code action for the symbol under the cursor.
<leader>ca Trigger a code action for the symbol under the cursor (with a description).


Keybinding Description
<leader>ff Find Files
<leader>fg Live grep file content
<leader>ob Search opened buffers
<leader>O Search opened buffers
<leader>fh Search help manual page
<leader>td Toggle Todo Telescope
<leader>jl Toggle Telescope jumplist
<leader>fw Grep strings below the cursor
<leader>so Search document symbols with LSP
<leader>sd Search diagnostics with Telescope
<leader>ht Search harpoon marks
<leader>cf Fuzzy search in the current buffer without line numbers


This is the list of plugins avaliable in this config.

Plugin Name Description
barbecue.lua Breadcrumb navigation bar for your Neovim.
flash.lua Navigation with a flash-style highlighting mechanism.
neotest.lua Running and managing tests directly within Neovim.
nvim-ufo.lua Adds folding capabilities with better context awareness.
which-key.lua Displays available keybindings in a popup window.
close-buffers.lua Allows better buffer management, like closing multiple buffers at once.
format.lua A plugin for on-the-fly code formatting.
lsp Neovim LSP client.
nvim-dap.lua Integrates debugging tools using the Debug Adapter Protocol (DAP).
scrollbar.lua Adds a customizable scrollbar to Neovim.
cmp.lua Implements a completion framework for coding.
gitsigns.lua Displays Git changes and diffs in the sign column.
lspsaga.lua Enhances the default LSP UI with rich features like code actions and diagnostics.
nvim-hlslens.lua Highlights search matches and displays additional information.
telescope.lua A fuzzy finder for files, buffers, and other resources.
cursorword.lua Highlights the word under the cursor.
gomove.lua Adds easy-to-use keybindings for moving and duplicating text.
lualine.lua A customizable status line for Neovim.
luasnip.lua A snippet engine for managing code templates (Stored in /lua/snippets/).
nvim-spectre.lua A search-and-replace tool with a preview feature.
nvim-surround.lua Simplifies surrounding text objects with pairs (e.g., parentheses, quotes).
treesitter.lua Provides enhanced syntax highlighting and code understanding using Tree-sitter.
trouble.lua Displays diagnostics and quickfix lists in a structured and user-friendly way.
dashboard.lua Adds a configurable startup dashboard to Neovim.
harpoon.lua A tool to quickly navigate between frequently used files.
indent-blankline.lua Adds visual indicators for indentation levels.
mason.lua Manages LSP servers, DAP servers, linters, and formatters.
nvim-tree.lua Adds a file explorer sidebar to Neovim.
todo-comments.lua Highlights and organizes TODO comments in code.
diffview.lua Provides a Git diff viewer for better version control.


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