tanuna is a Python package that supports working with dynamic systems. It is intended to include:
- Continuous time and discrete time systems
- Linear and non-linear systems
- Time-invariant and time-varying systems
- SISO and MIMO systems, including pure sources and pure sinks
- System characterization (such as impulse- and frequency response)
- Controller design
Currently, the focus is on continuous-time LTI systems. Please find documentation including interesting examples on readthedocs.
Furthermore - and maybe foremost - this project serves the author to learn and try:
- feedback systems
- Distributed revision control (git and github)
- Modern documentation (sphinx and readthedocs)
- Distribution (pypi)
- (maybe) Build servers
The name? Stands for "There Are No Unique Names Anymore" and resulted from an unsuccessful search for a sensible name that was not used already - well, almost: "tanuna" seems to be the essive singular form of "tanu". A "tanu" is a traditional Finnish bonnet worn by women.