Resume of my life, presentation 📆
Tech blog, *maybeuninit* ☕
Drawings on instagram as adal rozin 🖌️
- Exercise, lib of async statistics async_stat_module
- TF-IDF Computing word frequency recursivelly in a directory in C++ (can be used for fast retreival information)
- Liff crate 🍃 To make the smallest patch between binaries
- Diff Use liff in a command line tool
- massa decentralized blockchain that use multithreading
- smart contract runtime using wasmer in rust to run webassembly
- Dynamic astar dynamic_astar_xpl
- Bisection tools bisection_python
- Tree length evaluation pb_tree_length
- Get number of possible path in a graph number_of_paths
- Cicle detection BFS bfs_cycles_detection
- React graphic library rstrtt
- Personalised MJML button (pure front end work) mjml-mso-button