This is the attempt to make a simple web interface showing basic information pulled from a Quantar base station that is running for P25NX networks. The code is meant to be running on the Raspberry Pi that is needed for P25NX networkking.
The Raspberry Pi is usually connected to the FastEthernet0/1 interface of the cisco router with an IP address in the 172.31.x.x range. The Cisco router is configured to allow telnet acces to some port that is routed to the AUX port. The AUX port is connected to the console port of the Quantar with a selfmade cable. The pinout can be found on
In my case it is a Cisco 2651XM router that is operating between Quantar and the Raspberry Pi. The relevant part from the config is:
aaa authentication login NO_AUTHENTICATION none
aaa authorization exec NO_AUTHORIZATION none
aaa authorization commands 15 NO_AUTHORIZATION none
line aux 0
exec-timeout 1 0
authorization commands 15 NO_AUTHORIZATION
authorization exec NO_AUTHORIZATION
login authentication NO_AUTHENTICATION
no exec
transport input all
transport output all
stopbits 1
The aaa config is needed in order to disable authentication on the telnet port. In order to not make this port available on the internet facing interface there is an access-list bound to FastEthernet0/0 denying access to port 2065.