Design a web application that allows employees to submit feedback toward each other's performance review. Code Challenge
- React Hooks, Bootstrap, Apollo client, GraphQl
- Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
- GraphQL, NodeJS, Express, MongoDB
- Open http://localhost:5000/graphql to view it in the browser.
- A user can login or create an account
- Every employee has one performance review
- Each performance review has many employee feedbacks
- Admin can assign a reviewer other than the employee him/herself to a performance review
- Employee can only view feedback requests, and submit a feedback to other performance review
- Login and authentication
- Create Account
- View Employee
- View Performance
- View Feedback Requests
- CRUD employee
- CRU performance
- CRU feedback
- login and authentication
#Pending Tasks
- Authentication of API and UI screen
- ADMIN and Employee View
- Unimplemented APIS to UI
- Tests
#Data Design
- Employee has one performance and many Feedback Requests
- Performance has many Feedbacks
- Feedback has Reviewer (Employee) and Performance Review
In the project directory, you can run:
Installs the node modules.
Runs the app in the development mode.