– Joel Spolsky, co-founder of the Fog Creek Software (creators of Trello).
– Zach, builder of things.
The goal of TrelloVision is to create a series of views for your Trello data. Views like XML/CSV output, sortable table-based views, calendar-based views, searchable views, etc.
TrelloVision is built in a very modular way, using AngularJS and other Javascript libraries. It is easy for other developers to add in their own custom views. Just provide a pull request, and we'll consider adding it to the main TrelloVision collection!
Visit http://aestheticinteractive.github.io/TrelloVision to run the TrelloVision app. It will request read-only access to your public and private Trello boards. Don't worry -- TrelloVision does nothing with your data except display it back to you.
Please add your ideas for features and modules using the TrelloVision development board in Trello. Report bugs here on GitHub or on Trello.
If you like TrelloVision, please suggest it to your friends and colleagues!