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Rust Automated Theorem Proving library inspired by a text by John Harrison (WIP)


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    A Rust library for SAT solving and automated theorem proving highly informed by  
    John Harrison's text on Automated Theorem Proving.

    (Harrison, J. (2009). Handbook of Practical Logic and Automated Reasoning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)

    (Harrison's text uses Ocaml.)

    This package is a work in progress, but the following are supported:

    1) datatypes/parsing/printing operations
    1) `eval`
    1) standard DNF/CNF algorithms,
    1) Definitional CNF (preserving equisatisfiability) for propositional logic.
    1) the DP and "naive" DPLL algorithms for testing satisfiability
    1) Basic Iterative DPLL as well as Backjumping/Conflict clause learning solvers DPLI and DPLU respectively.
    1) Prenex normal form
    1) Skolemization
    1) Herbrand methods of first-order validity checking (Gilmore and Davis-Putnam)

    NOTE:  Currently this project RELIES ON NIGHTLY RUST for exactly one feature `box_patterns`.
    For more info, see
    This README is the direct print output of `` (`cargo run --release >`)
    (Make sure to include the release flag and run from the top level directory.)
    For suggestions or questions please contact [email protected]
let mut stdout = stdout();

Example 1: Simple formula

    let formula = Formula::<Prop>::parse("C \\/ D <=> (~A /\\ B)").unwrap();
    formula.pprint(&mut stdout);
    formula.print_truthtable(&mut stdout);
    let cnf = Formula::cnf(&formula);
    cnf.pprint(&mut stdout);

    println!("Is satisfiable?: {}", formula.dpll_sat());
    println!("Is tautology?: {}", formula.dpll_taut());
<<C \/ D <=> ~A /\ B>>
A     B     C     D     | formula
true  true  true  true  | false
true  true  true  false | false
true  true  false true  | false
true  true  false false | true
true  false true  true  | false
true  false true  false | false
true  false false true  | false
true  false false false | true
false true  true  true  | true
false true  true  false | true
false true  false true  | true
false true  false false | false
false false true  true  | false
false false true  false | false
false false false true  | false
false false false false | true
<<((((((A \/ C) \/ D) \/ ~B) /\ (B \/ ~C)) /\ (B \/ ~D)) /\ (~A \/ ~C)) /\ (~A \/ ~D)>>
Is satisfiable?: true
Is tautology?: false

Example 2: A Tautology

    let formula = Formula::<Prop>::parse("A \\/ ~A").unwrap();
    formula.pprint(&mut stdout);
    formula.print_truthtable(&mut stdout);
    let cnf = Formula::cnf(&formula);
    cnf.pprint(&mut stdout);"

    println!("Is satisfiable?: {}", formula.dpll_sat());
    println!("Is tautology?: {}", formula.dpll_taut());
<<A \/ ~A>>
A     | formula
true  | true
false | true
Is satisfiable?: true
Is tautology?: true

Example 3: A Contradiction

    let formula = Formula::<Prop>::parse("~A /\\ A").unwrap();
    formula.pprint(&mut stdout);
    formula.print_truthtable(&mut stdout);
    let dnf = Formula::dnf(&formula);
    dnf.pprint(&mut stdout);   

    println!("Is satisfiable?: {}", formula.dpll_sat());
    println!("Is tautology?: {}", formula.dpll_taut());
    println!("Is contradiction?: {}", Formula::not(&formula).dpll_taut());
<<~A /\ A>>
A     | formula
true  | false
false | false
Is satisfiable?: false
Is tautology?: false
Is contradiction?: true

Example 4: Formula simplification

    let formula =
        Formula::<Prop>::parse("((true ==> (x <=> false)) ==> ~(y \\/ (false /\\ z)))").unwrap();
    formula.pprint(&mut stdout);
    println!("...simplifies to...");
    let simplified = formula.simplify();

    simplified.pprint(&mut stdout);

    let formula = Formula::<Pred>::parse(
        "forall x. ((true ==> (R(x) <=> false)) ==> exists z. exists y. ~(K(y) \\/ false))",
    formula.pprint(&mut stdout);
    println!("...simplifies to...");
    let simplified = formula.simplify();

    simplified.pprint(&mut stdout);
<<(true ==> (x <=> false)) ==> ~(y \/ false /\ z)>>
...simplifies to...
<<~x ==> ~y>>
<<forall x. ((true ==> (R(x) <=> false)) ==> (exists z y. ~(K(y) \/ false)))>>
...simplifies to...
<<forall x. (~R(x) ==> (exists y. ~K(y)))>>

Example 5: Arithmetic mod n (n >= 2)

    fn integers_mod_n(n: u32) -> Interpretation<u32> {
        assert!(n > 1);

        type FuncType = dyn Fn(&[u32]) -> u32;
        type RelType = dyn Fn(&[u32]) -> bool;

        let lang = Language {
            func: HashMap::from([
                ("+".to_string(), 2),
                ("*".to_string(), 2),
                ("0".to_string(), 0),
                ("1".to_string(), 0),
            rel: HashMap::from([("=".to_string(), 2)]),

        let domain: HashSet<u32> = HashSet::from_iter(0..n);

        let addition = move |inputs: &[u32]| -> u32 { (inputs[0] + inputs[1]) % n };
        let multiplication = move |inputs: &[u32]| -> u32 { (inputs[0] * inputs[1]) % n };
        let zero = |_inputs: &[u32]| -> u32 { 0 };
        let one = |_inputs: &[u32]| -> u32 { 1 };

        fn equality(inputs: &[u32]) -> bool {
            inputs[0] == inputs[1]

        let funcs: HashMap<String, Box<FuncType>> = HashMap::from([
            ("+".to_string(), Box::new(addition) as Box<FuncType>),
            ("*".to_string(), Box::new(multiplication) as Box<FuncType>),
            ("0".to_string(), Box::new(zero) as Box<FuncType>),
            ("1".to_string(), Box::new(one) as Box<FuncType>),
        let rels: HashMap<String, Box<RelType>> =
            HashMap::from([("=".to_string(), Box::new(equality) as Box<RelType>)]);

        Interpretation::new(&lang, domain, funcs, rels)

    // Let's verify (for n < 20) that the integers mod n form a field
    // (have multiplicative inverses) if and only if n is prime.
    let mult_inverse = "forall x. (~(x = 0) ==> exists y. x * y = 1)";
    let mult_inverse_formula = Formula::<Pred>::parse(mult_inverse).unwrap();
    println!("Definition of multiplicative inverses:");
    mult_inverse_formula.pprint(&mut stdout);

    let empty_valuation = FOValuation::new();
    println!("Model:         |  Is a field?");
    for n in 2..20 {
        let interpretation = integers_mod_n(n);
        let sat = mult_inverse_formula.eval(&interpretation, &empty_valuation);
        println!("Integers mod {n}:  {sat}");
Definition of multiplicative inverses:
<<forall x. (~x = 0 ==> (exists y. x * y = 1))>>
Model:         |  Is a field?
Integers mod 2:  true
Integers mod 3:  true
Integers mod 4:  false
Integers mod 5:  true
Integers mod 6:  false
Integers mod 7:  true
Integers mod 8:  false
Integers mod 9:  false
Integers mod 10:  false
Integers mod 11:  true
Integers mod 12:  false
Integers mod 13:  true
Integers mod 14:  false
Integers mod 15:  false
Integers mod 16:  false
Integers mod 17:  true
Integers mod 18:  false
Integers mod 19:  true

Example 6: Prenex Normal Form

    let formula =
        Formula::<Pred>::parse("(exists x. F(x, z)) ==> (exists w. forall z. ~G(z, x))").unwrap();
    formula.pprint(&mut stdout);
    println!("In prenex normal form:");
    let result = formula.pnf();
    result.pprint(&mut stdout);
<<(exists x. F(x, z)) ==> (exists w. (forall z. ~G(z, x)))>>
In prenex normal form:
<<forall x' z'. (~F(x', z) \/ ~G(z', x))>>

Example 7: Skolemization

    let formula = Formula::<Pred>::parse(
        "R(F(y)) \\/ (exists x. P(f_w(x))) /\\ exists n. forall r. forall y. exists w. M(G(y, w)) 
        \\/ exists z. ~M(F(z, w))",
    formula.pprint(&mut stdout);
    let result = formula.skolemize();
    result.pprint(&mut stdout);
<<R(F(y)) \/ (exists x. P(f_w(x))) /\ (exists n. (forall r y. (exists w. M(G(y, w))))) \/ (exists z. ~M(F(z, w)))>>
<<R(F(y)) \/ P(f_w(c_x)) /\ M(G(y', f_w'(y'))) \/ ~M(F(f_z(w), w))>>

Example 8: Test a first order formula for validity.
    let string = "(forall x y. exists z. forall w. (P(x) /\\ Q(y) ==> R(z) /\\ U(w))) 
        ==> (exists x y. (P(x) /\\ Q(y))) ==> (exists z. R(z))";
    let formula = Formula::<Pred>::parse(string);
    let compute_unsat_core = true;
    // Note that this will run forever if `formula` is *not* a validity.
    let run = || {
        Formula::davis_putnam(&formula, compute_unsat_core);
    run_repeatedly_and_average(run, 1);
    let negation = formula.negate().skolemize();
    let mut free_variables = Vec::from_iter(negation.free_variables());
        "Fun Fact:  These vectors of terms are a minimal set of incompatible 
        instantiations (so call \"ground instances\") of the free variables {free_variables:?} in 
        the (skolemization of) the negation of the formula we desired to check for validity:"
    negation.pprint(&mut stdout);
Ground instances tried: 0
Size of the Ground instance FormulaSet: 0

Ground instances tried: 0
Size of the Ground instance FormulaSet: 0

Ground instances tried: 1
Size of the Ground instance FormulaSet: 5

Ground instances tried: 2
Size of the Ground instance FormulaSet: 7

Ground instances tried: 3
Size of the Ground instance FormulaSet: 10

Ground instances tried: 4
Size of the Ground instance FormulaSet: 12

Ground instances tried: 5
Size of the Ground instance FormulaSet: 13

Ground instances tried: 6
Size of the Ground instance FormulaSet: 14

Ground instances tried: 7
Size of the Ground instance FormulaSet: 15

Ground instances tried: 8
Size of the Ground instance FormulaSet: 16

Ground instances tried: 8
Size of the Ground instance FormulaSet: 16

Ground instances tried: 9
Size of the Ground instance FormulaSet: 18

Ground instances tried: 10
Size of the Ground instance FormulaSet: 20

Ground instances tried: 11
Size of the Ground instance FormulaSet: 22

Ground instances tried: 12
Size of the Ground instance FormulaSet: 24

Ground instances tried: 13
Size of the Ground instance FormulaSet: 26

Ground instances tried: 14
Size of the Ground instance FormulaSet: 28

Ground instances tried: 15
Size of the Ground instance FormulaSet: 30

Ground instances tried: 16
Size of the Ground instance FormulaSet: 32

Ground instances tried: 17
Size of the Ground instance FormulaSet: 35

Ground instances tried: 18
Size of the Ground instance FormulaSet: 37

Found 2 inconsistent tuples of skolemized negation: {[Fun("c_x", []), Fun("f_z", [Fun("c_x", []), Fun("c_y", [])]), Fun("c_x", [])], [Fun("c_y", []), Fun("c_x", []), Fun("c_y", [])]}
Formula is valid.
Average time over a total of 1 runs is 32.690959ms.

Fun Fact:  These vectors of terms are a minimal set of incompatible 
        instantiations (so call "ground instances") of the free variables ["w", "x", "y"] in 
        the (skolemization of) the negation of the formula we desired to check for validity:
<<((~P(x) \/ ~Q(y)) \/ R(f_z(x, y)) /\ U(w)) /\ (P(c_x) /\ Q(c_y)) /\ ~R(x)>>

Example 9: Solve a hard sudoku board (You should be in release mode for this.)

    let path_str: &str = "./data/sudoku.txt";
    let path: &Path = Path::new(path_str);
    let boards: Vec<Board> = parse_sudoku_dataset(path, Some(1));
    let clauses = get_board_formulas(&boards, 9, 3)[0].clone();
    let mut solver = DPLBSolver::new(&clauses);
    let num_props = solver.num_props();
    println!("(A sentence in {num_props} propositional variables)");
    let is_sat = solver.solve();
    println!("Is satisfiable?: {is_sat}");
    let formula = Formula::formulaset_to_formula(clauses);
    let check = formula.eval(&solver.get_valuation().unwrap());
    println!("Check: Solution satisfies original constraints?: {check}");
    println!("Let's use the same solver to run several times and take the average time...");
        || {
(A sentence in 729 propositional variables)
Is satisfiable?: true
Check: Solution satisfies original constraints?: true
Let's use the same solver to run several times and take the average time...
Average time over a total of 10 runs is 240.869545ms.


Rust Automated Theorem Proving library inspired by a text by John Harrison (WIP)







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