- ROS Noetic
- Ubuntu 20
- Navigation package installed
$ https://github.com/aflores-c/Telemarketing_Robot
1.Run GAZEBO Simulation
$ roslaunch telemarketing_gazebo telemarketing_store.launch
2.Run Obstacle avoidance
$ roslaunch laser_filters range_filter_example.launch
3.Run RVIZ and NAVIGATION. You have three options: DWA Planner, TEB Planner or MPC Planner
$ roslaunch telemarketing_navigation telemarketing_navigation.launch
$ roslaunch telemarketing_navigation telemarketing_navigation_teb.launch
$ roslaunch telemarketing_navigation telemarketing_navigation_mpc.launch
4.You can teleoperate to help the robot to localize itself
$ roslaunch telemarketing_teleop telemarketing_teleop_key.launch