STL 3D object file viewer for java.
unzip distributed stlviewer*.zip
should extract:
, etc to a directory
Go into the directory, run:
java -jar stlviewer.jar
In the directory, the above libs jars should be in libs subdirectory. In Windows and various OS you may be able to run it by simply double clicking the jar file
- holding / dragging the left mouse button rotates the model
- holding / dragging the right mouse button pan the model
- rotating the mouse wheel forward moves away from the model / backward moves towards the model
- clicking home on the toolbar reverts to the initial view
ant (ant and jdk is required for the build')
Release 0.10.0 requires Java >= 11 Java/JDK 11 or higher to run.
Release 0.8.0 : This is the previous working release. This release requires Java 1.8 jdk/jre to run.
- if you are running Java 8, use this release.
Release 0.10.0 JDK >= 11
- fixes for mouse interactions in Java 11
- requires Java 11 (JDK 11) or higher to run
- added snapshot/screenshot
- Tools > "fix mouse interactions" now provides a "mouse controls" dialog.
You can reassign the mouse buttons. The same mouse button can be used for different functions rotate/zoom/pan with ctrl/shift keys.
Release 0.8.0 JDK = 8
- an initial stable release
- requires Java 8 (JDK 8)
- the app resizes the model and relocates the origin to ease viewing manipulations
- in relesae 0.9.0, some later releases of Java e.g. 9, 11 and above messed up the controls and panning with right mouse doesn't work! if you encounter this issue try Tools > "fix mouse interactions". use release 0.10.0 instead, that fixes this issue and provides features to reassign/remap the mouse buttons.
this app/project uses/is made possible by the java3d and jogl implementations maintained by the jogamp community and part are derivatived works in particular of java3d from sun/oracle
and the stl parser by cyanobacterium
partially derived from cpedrinaci/STL-Loader
Apache License, Version 2.0 applies to code package org.stlviewer sub-branch
Software is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
originally hosted on:
developing this has taken quite some effort mainly in getting it to work and rather extensive tests. i'd really appreciate it if you could support my efforts , you could also help simply starring this repository ;)