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EventBridge Slack notifier

An AWS Lambda for sending EventBridge events to Slack channels

Release Tests


The goal of this module is to send a Slack message to a specific channel when an EventBridge rule is triggered.

Lambda payload

The lambda function payload is an object with the following type:

type Payload = {
  event: string;
  context: Array<Text> | undefined;
  fields: Array<Text> | undefined;
  body: Text | undefined;
  links: Array<Link> | undefined;
  attachment: object | undefined;

type Link = {
  label: string;
  url: string;

type Text = {
  label: string;
  text: string;

event: String representing the event name. Required

context: Array containing event context information (Time, Event Source, etc). Optional

fields: Array containing event details. Field objects will be rendered side by side. Optional

boyd: Message body. Optional

links: Array containing Link objects. Each Link will be rendered has a button. Optional

attachment: If provided, this object will be attached as a JSON document in the message thread. Optional



How to use with Terraform

Add the module to your Terraform project:

module "eventbridge_slack_notifier" {
  source = ""

  slack_config = {
    channel      = "#channel"
    access_token = "access_token"

  event_pattern = jsonencode({
    source      = ["aws.cloudwatch"]
    detail-type = ["CloudWatch Alarm State Change"]

  input_transformer = {
    input_paths = {
      source                     = "$.source"
      time                       = "$.time"
      alarm                      = "$.detail.alarmName"
      previous_state_value       = "$.detail.previousState.value"
      current_state_value        = "$.detail.state.value"
      current_state_value_reason = "$.detail.state.reason"

    input_template = <<EOF
      "event": <alarm>,
      "context": [
          "label": "Source",
          "text": <source>
          "label": "Time",
          "text": <time>
      "fields": [
          "label": "Previous Alarm State",
          "text": <previous_state_value>
          "label": "Current Alarm State",
          "text": <current_state_value>
      "body": {
        "label": "Details",
        "text": <current_state_value_reason>
      "links": [
          "label": "View alarms",
          "url": ""


How to create a rule pattern

Input transformer

Input transformer Terraform

Common input transformer issues