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Eventbridge to API call

_An AWS Lambda for sending EventBridge events to API endpoint

Release Tests


The goal of this module is to send a POST to a specific API endpoint when an EventBridge rule is triggered.

Lambda payload

The lambda function payload is an object with the following type:

type Payload = {
  headers: {
    "Authorization": string,
    [key: string]: string
  data: JSON;

headers: Need at least the key Authorization to access the API

data: All the data you want to send to the API. Can be empty

How to use with Terraform

Add the module to your Terraform project:

module "eventbridge_logger_opgenie" {
  source                         = ""
  sns_topic_to_notify_on_failure = <aws_sns_topic_arn>
  name                           = "Ressource Name"

  api_config = {
    api_url = "<MY_API_URL>"
    api_key = "<MY_API_KEY_SECRET>"

  event_pattern = jsonencode({
    source      = ["aws.cloudwatch"]
    detail-type = ["CloudWatch Alarm State Change"]

  input_transformer = {
    input_paths = {
      source                     = "$.source"
      time                       = "$.time"
      alarm                      = "$.detail.alarmName"

    input_template = <<EOF
      "headers": {
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
        "Authorization": "Key "
      "data": {
        "message": "My Message <source>",
        "description": "My Description: <time> <alarm>",


How to create a rule pattern

Input transformer

Input transformer Terraform

Common input transformer issues