Frame Medio is a Python 3 script that outputs the average frame of an input video as a .png file.
Frame Medio requires ffmpeg
and python3
Install the requirements.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the
$ python3
What file do you want to get the average frame of? Filename: <path to input file>
How many frames per second do you use in your average? (24/1 = every frame, 1 = 1 image per second, 1/600 = 1 image every 10 minutes) Number: <frames per second to use in analysis>
What should the output file be called? Name: <output file name (don't add any extensions to the end of this)>
The running scene from 1917 with 1 frame taken every 5 seconds (1/300):
Luke and Vader's duel from The Empire Strikes Back with 1 frame taken every second:
Isle of Dogs sushi scene with 24 frames taken every second:
Swedish House Mafia's Ultra 2018 set with 1 frame taken every second: